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Monday again and Aomine was walking with Kagami to campus.  It was finals week and Aomine had barely studied, what with seeing his parents on Saturday and being with Kagami yesterday.  He didn't care though, as long as he passed, he could stay on the basketball team.

He glanced to the side at Kagami.  Kagami had his baseball cap pulled down too far on his head, and was chewing his lip.  Aomine wished there was something he could do to make his lover more comfortable.  Aomine opened his mouth, but all he managed to say was, "Do you know what you're going to do next quarter?"

Kagami kept his eyes on the ground in front of them, shaking his head.  That was not the reaction Aomine was going for, of course, his question hadn't been very good either.  Kagami stole a glance at Aomine, "I'm going to make a doctor's appointment for this week or next.  The one my mom used is here."

Aomine nodded, they hadn't been to a doctor since Kagami found out he was pregnant.  He just hoped that everything was okay and that seeing a doctor was a standard checkup.  "Whatever you think is best.  I'll be there with you."

"Really?  Because you don't have to, it's just a first checkup, nothing special," Kagami stopped walking, looking up at Aomine.

Aomine stopped too, turning to face Kagami directly, "I want to be there.  For you, for our baby.  I keep telling you to stop doubting my commitment."

Kagami smiled, taking hold of Aomine's hand and started to walk towards campus again.  "It's not that I'm doubting you, I just... I just know that you still have to do classes and practices next quarter.  It would be hard for you to be at every doctor appointment."

Aomine shook his head, squeezing Kagami's hand, "Let me figure it out.  I want to be there for everything.  This is my baby too and I want to be here for everything."

"You're really sweeping me off my feet," Kagami giggled, his human ears turning red under his baseball cap.  "I know that we can't just quit school and have everything work out fine.  I have no illusions about this being extremely difficult."

"But we'll pull through," Aomine smiled back at Kagami, his blushing face always melted Aomine's heart, "We always do.  Besides, it'll be easier if we do this together."

Kagami glanced back at Aomine, a smile spreading across his face.  He nodded, "Yeah."

[an: was this chapter cute? Have feels? Ready for that doctor's appointment?? Do you think Kagami and Aomine will be able to manage having a baby?? Thoughts??]

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