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Kagami walked out of the advisor's office, the talk felt so similar to the one he just had with the coach.  Only, the advisor basically told him that he could lose his financial aid if he took off a quarter or more.  The only worthwhile thing the advisor told him was to go to the disability resources center.  He didn't want to tell any of them what situation he was really in, but to do that seemed like he would have to quit school and he didn't want to do that either.

He tried to push it all out of his mind for now, because right now all he wanted to do was go home and be held in Aomine's arms.  He paused when he got to the apartment door, taking a breath and wiping his eyes.  He didn't want to look like a mess as soon as he walked in the door.

He went inside, it took his eyes a minute to adjust, it was so dim inside.  He took off his hat, letting his ears wiggle and feel air.  He walked further into the apartment and noticed some light flickering.  Candles were lining just about every surface in the room.  Kagami smiled, it all looked so magical.

Aomine came out from the kitchen, walking right up to Kagami.  Before Kagami could even say anything, Aomine wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a deep kiss.  Kagami let himself press against Aomine, kissing him deeper.  After a long moment, Aomine pulled back.  Kagami smiled wide, "Aomine... this is so magical."

"I'm glad you like it," Aomine smiled back, stepping back to take Kagami's hand and guide him over to the table, "I got dinner ready for us, I figured you might be tired, so..."

Kagami's eyes widened, looking at the table Aomine set up.  The food was already out on plates and there were red and blue candles decorating the table.  "Aomine..."  Aomine stood behind Kagami and wrapped his around his waist.  Kagami leaned back into him, turning his head to look at him, "You did all this?"

He shrugged a little, looking back at his lover, "It's a special night."

"Oh?"  Kagami raised an eyebrow.

"Just wait," Aomine chuckled, stepping back.  He went to the table, pulling out a chair for Kagami.  Kagami was so surprised by all of it, but he moved and took the seat offered to him.  "Let's just eat for now," Aomine smiled, taking the seat across from Kagami.  That smile on Aomine's face made him look so pure and happy, it made Kagami's heart melt.

[A/N: I promise there are more cute feels coming! I just wanted to make this scene more than one part 😉]

Full MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora