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Aomine walked into the hall and back to the kitchen.  He picked up all the dishes from the table, bringing them into the kitchen to wash.  Actually washing the dishes didn't take long, everything got soapy and clean.  But actually doing the dishes made Aomine realize just how many different kinds of dishes and utensils Kagami used to make such delicious food.

He stared down at the last dish he was washing.  Even being seven weeks pregnant, Kagami was still cooking for him.  He really didn't need to, Aomine just didn't know how to tell him to stop.  He just hoped Kagami was happy.  He knew this was affecting Kagami more than anything.  He loved Kagami, would do anything for Kagami, he just hoped that would be enough.

He wiped his hands, walking back into the living room.  Aomine paused before heading back to the bedroom.  He pulled out his phone, dialing his mom.  It wasn't long before she answered, "Daiki, baby, how're you?  Is everything okay?"

Aomine laughed a little, smiling, his mom was always so worried about him.  "I'm fine, things are good.  Actually, I'm calling because Taiga and I wanted to talk to you and Dad and have you meet Kagami's parents before the wedding."

"I can't believe it's already three weeks away!"  He could practically hear the smile in her voice, "You know, I am so glad you found someone who makes you so happy.  If you're free this weekend, we'd be happy to meet his family.  And come talk to us any time, okay?"

"Thanks Mom."

"Always," she said happily, "Now come by soon and don't forget to tell us when his family is available."

"I won't," Aomine laughed to himself, "Talk to you soon, Mom."  She said a quick goodbye and Aomine hung up the phone.  He didn't mean to set something up so soon without telling Kagami, but Kagami had to be glad that he wanted to tell his parents about everything?  He wanted to prove to Kagami how proud he was of him.

[AN: I hope you like the update! 😊 I just wanted some feels and to move some story along! There'll be more cute feels coming and the story is just getting going! Or well, something like that xD]

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