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Aomine was proudly standing by Kagami's side as the photographer took their photo. They had just gotten to the reception. They were officially married! Aomine seemed to have a permanent grin stuck on his face.

Kagami was smiling endlessly too. The ceremony had gone so well. They both looked so handsome in their suits. Kagami's suit hid his new curves well and no one could tell that he was 10 weeks pregnant. He'd even been able to style his hair in such a way that covered his tiger ears.

Aomine guided them to their table. It was only for them and their immediate family, no friends, not even Himuro or Kuroko, were seated with them. Kagami's face was visibly more relaxed once they sat down with their parents.

Izumi rested her hand over Kagami's. "You looked so handsome up there. I could see how happy you were, how happy you both were."

Kagami smiled and turned his hand so he could give her hand a squeeze. "I'm really glad it worked out too. To think last week I was so angry, I almost called off the wedding..."

"He loves you, Taiga. I can see how much he really cares and that is always a good thing." She smiled.

Kagami was about to say something back, but someone clearing his throat caught his attention. He looked up to see that his father had walked up. Kagami could only stare at him. He knew that his father had come all the way from LA just for the wedding, but that was also what bothered him. His father hadn't been a part of his life for the last decade, having him here felt...forced.

"Congratulations, son," Kagami's dad said as he sat down next to Kagami.

Kagami still held on tight to his mother's hand. "Thank you."

His father leaned closer, "Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

[AN: Fun fact! I wrote this in Nov 2020, posted it to my patreon and yeah... I'm going to get back into updating fics! I'll be posting this one and some others, so keep an eye out! I don't have a patreon anymore, but I do have a ko-fi! so if you liked this update and want to support a broke student, consider buying me a ko-fi!! ko-fi.com/thebrilliant ]

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