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Kagami took off his hat again and pulled his tail out as he walked into the apartment. Aomine couldn't help but laugh a little as he followed him in and closed the door behind him. The rest of the dinner with Shiori went a lot better than Aomine expected. The only thing he was worried about was that she wanted to meet his parents. That would be fine and all, he just wanted to tell them that he was getting married before they met his fiance's mother.

He walked up behind Kagami, wrapping his arms around his waist. "You were so cute today. You turn so red when you're embarrassed."

This comment only made Kagami blush again, all the way to his ears. Kagami turned to look back at Aomine, "I find it hard to believe that this is cute."

"Of course it is," Aomine smiled, kissing Kagami's nose.

Kagami sighed and pulled himself out of Aomine's arms, heading for the bathroom. "I don't see why my mom had to tell you everything about me growing up." He glanced back over his shoulder at Aomine, "And you didn't have to keep asking her about everything!"

Aomine laughed, following him down the hall, "Of course I did, I want to know everything about the man who's carrying my baby."

"I-I..." He looked at Aomine, eyes wide, for a moment. The blush on his face got even redder. He quickly turned away, going into the bathroom and shutting the door to keep Aomine out.

Aomine walked up to the door, pressing his hand on the door. He knew that Kagami was just standing there on the side, he could see the shadow of his feet under the door. Aomine shook his head slightly, "Come on, don't hide."

Kagami's sigh was audible through the door, "Fine..." Aomine stepped back, waiting for the door to open. Finally, Kagami opened it a little, but only enough for him to put his head through. "I can't believe my mom told you I slept with a cat plushie until I was 13."

Aomine had to put all his focus into keeping a straight face. When Shiori had first told him, he had burst out laughing. Somehow it just fit Kagami though. Even though he was a big guy, he was still such a softie inside. "It's not bad, it's cute," Aomine couldn't suppress his smile, "It really fits you too."

"That just makes it worse!" Kagami pulled his head back and shut the door again. "I'm going to do the same to you now..."

"What?" Aomine was a little confused by what Kagami meant with the last remark.

Kagami opened the door again, looking at him with narrowed eyes, "I'm going to get your parents to tell me all the embarrassing things you did as a kid."

"Right..." Aomine stepped back a little, "When you meet them..."

"Daiki?" Kagami opened the door all the way, stepping towards Aomine.

Aomine took hold of Kagami's hand, "Let's just tell them that we're engaged. We can save the rest of the news for a later."

Kagami narrowed his eyes, "What? Why?"

"I just don't think..." Aomine trailed off, trying to think of the best way to say it. Unfortunately, he took too long.

Kagami pulled his hand from Aomine's grasp, "You're embarrassed of me, aren't you. You don't want people to know your boyfriend is pregnant. You think I'm weak." He pushed past Aomine, running into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

"Taiga!" Aomine went after Kagami, opening their bedroom door to find Kagami curled on the bed with his back to him. He sat down next to Kagami, resting his hand on Kagami's shoulder. He could feel Kagami's shoulders shaking and knew he was crying. "Taiga, I'm not embarrassed of you. I would never be embarrassed of you. And I know you're not weak, you're strong. You wouldn't be here if you weren't."

Kagami rolled over a little to look up at Aomine. New tears weren't falling anymore, but his cheeks were still wet. Aomine reached down, drying his tears. "I want to wait to tell my parents because they're not like yours. I doubt they'd understand that a guy being pregnant is possible."

Kagami shook his head, rolling back onto his side. "I am weak. I am afraid of what other people will think when they find out I'm pregnant."

"Who cares what other people think," Aomine gently rubbed Kagami's back, "We love each other and we're having a family. There's nothing wrong with that."

"What if people still think it's weird..." Kagami pushed himself to sit up, facing Aomine.

"Doesn't matter, they're not part of our lives," Aomine moved to wrap his arm around Kagami's shoulders, "And the ones who are, they'll be happy for us."

Kagami buried his face in Aomine's shoulder, "I hope you're right..."

[A/N: how're the feels feeling? ^^ any feedback?]

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