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Aomine walked back into the bedroom, Kagami looked like he was already asleep, curled up on the bed, tail tucked around him.  Aomine tried to walk in quietly, but when he turned around after closing the door, Kagami was sitting up, staring at him.  It was almost a little eerie.  Because of how dark it was in the room, Kagami's were reflecting what light there was and looked to be glowing.

Kagami blinked and rubbed one of his eyes, "What's wrong, Daiki?"

Aomine shook his head, walking up to Kagami, "Just admiring your eyes."  He smiled and rested his hand on Kagami's cheek, "Sorry I woke you."

"You didn't wake me," Kagami blushed, looking down, "I was just waiting for you.  I was hoping..."

"What?"  Aomine sat down next to his fiancé, loving how cute he was.

Kagami blushed even more, turning his face away and pressing his ears against his head, "I wanted to cuddle..."

Aomine stared at him for a moment, he wasn't sure his heart could handle Kagami like this.  He leaned over, wrapping his arms tightly around Kagami, "How can you be so cute?  It's not fair."  Aomine kissed the side of Kagami's head, nuzzling up to him, "Of course we can cuddle."

Kagami brought a hand up to rest over Aomine's, "I just want to hug you tightly while I can."

"Don't worry," Aomine pulled back a little to look into Kagami's face, "I'll always be here to hold you in my arms."

"It just won't be the same," Kagami looked down, resting his hand over his abdomen, "When the babies really start to show."

"Taiga," Aomine rested his hand over Kagami's, "I'll still be with you the whole time.  You won't do this alone."

Kagami looked back at Aomine, "You are the best thing in my life."

Aomine smiled, chuckling, "No one can be better than me."

Kagami laughed too, laying down on the bed, pulling Aomine to lay with him.  Aomine wrapped his arms around Kagami tightly, pulling him into his chest.  Kagami happily snuggled up to him, closing his eyes and sighing happily.

[AN: I hope you like this little chapter! I just wanted some cute feels! 😊]

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