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Kagami moved to snuggle up to Aomine on the couch. They'd had dinner when they got home after practice and Aomine had just sat down. He didn't expect Kagami to curl up against him like he did. He smiled and ran his fingers through Kagami's hair. Kagami glanced up at him, "I want to get married to you soon."

Aomine smiled, looking down at him, he chuckled, "What brought this on?"

Kagami blushed a little and glanced down, "I was just thinking about how I'm already two weeks pregnant..." He gripped onto Aomine's shirt, curling his hands into fists against Aomine's chest, "I was just thinking how it would be nice to get married before it starts to show that I'm pregnant..."

"If that's important to you," Aomine leaned down to kiss the top of Kagami's head, "Then of course we can. We can get married as soon as you'd like."

Kagami pulled back a little, looking up at Aomine, his tail happily swishing behind him, "Let's get married in May, I always thought a spring wedding would be so beautiful."

"Sounds like you know just what you want," he chuckled and rested a hand on Kagami's cheek.

Kagami nuzzled against Aomine's hand, "I do, I've thought about this for a while, I always wanted us to have the perfect wedding."

Aomine chuckled, "You're such a romantic." Kagami blushed, his ears pressing against his head and his tail curling up a little. Aomine thought his reaction was just even cuter with the ears and tail. He kissed Kagami's forehead, "We can plan it any way you want, I know it'll be wonderful."

"I love you, Daiki," Kagami giggled, sitting closer to Aomine.

Aomine just wrapped his arm around his fiance's shoulders and pulled him in closer, "I love you too."

[AN: sorry this part is short, but I do hope you've enjoyed the feels~! ^^  I'm going to try and keep a good timeline so we can see how much Kagami's pregnancy is progressing! Honestly, I'm still working everything out, I just hope you've been liking it so far!]

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