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Aomine couldn't stop looking at Kagami as he ate.  The way Kagami's cheeks puffed out like a squirrel was just too cute.  He could even see Kagami's little fangs as he took a bite.  He could never think Kagami was a freak, not when he was so cute.  Especially since the tiger ears and tail suited him too well.

Aomine couldn't resist.  He was already done with his breakfast, so he pushed his plate out of the way and leaned over to take a bite of the food that was in Kagami's lips.  He stayed in close for a moment, kissing Kagami and gently rubbing his tongue over Kagami's lips.  Kagami stared back at him, eyes wide.  Aomine pulled back, slowly chewing and swallowing the bite.  He looked back into Kagami's face, surprise still written all over it.  Aomine laughed a little, Kagami's reaction was too precious.  "Who knew that food would taste even better like that."

Kagami blushed a dark red, glancing down a little.  Aomine moved closer to sit right next to him.  He rested a hand on Kagami's chin, gently lifting Kagami's face towards his own.  "You don't have to be shy."  Though Aomine did think it was super cute.

Kagami still couldn't look Aomine in the eye.  His face was almost as red as his hair and his ears were pressed down against his head.  "It's just when you kiss me so suddenly like that..."

Aomine chuckled, leaning in to whisper in Kagami's ear, "You got a little bit excited, didn't you?"

Kagami's ear reddened and Aomine knew he was right.  Kagami's words were quiet, but Aomine could still hear them, "I don't think I can last eight months without..."

"Don't worry, Love," Aomine kissed Kagami's ear.  He pulled back, standing up and stretching his hand down to Kagami.  "I'll be gentle."

"Daiki..." Kagami breathed out, looking up at Aomine.  His lips turned up into a smile and he took hold of Aomine's hand.

Aomine pulled him to the bedroom, pulling Kagami to the bed and gently laying him back against it.  He laid down over Kagami, resting his hand on Kagami's cheek.  Kagami nuzzled against Aomine's hand, his tail curled up to wrap around Aomine's wrist.  Aomine couldn't help but smile, his fiancé was too adorable.

He pulled off Kagami's shirt and underwear.  He ran his fingers over Kagami's skin, his lover had such an amazing body.  He rested his fingers over Kagami's abdomen and leaned down to gently kiss Kagami's abdomen.  Aomine glanced up and there were tears in Kagami's eyes.  He reached up to rest a hand on Kagami's cheek, "Don't cry."

Kagami pressed his cheek against Aomine's hand, but tears were still slowly streaming out of his eyes.  "I love you so much..."

"I know," Aomine smiled, leaning down to kiss away Kagami's tears and kiss Kagami's lips.  He gently lifted Kagami's legs and they slowly became one.  Aomine leaned his forehead against Kagami's, "I love you too, Taiga."

[AN: I hope you like this part! I wanted to have a slower love scene for them! Especially since I'm posting this on Kagami's birthday, I just wanted to have a moment where Aomine truly loved him and for it to be sweet and to show what an amazing couple these two make and to tell people to stop hurting my angel and I'm actually crying right now, so I hope these tears are worth it and you enjoyed the love in this chapter! Because that's all Kagami needs, someone (Aomine) to truly love him.]

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