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Sunday morning, Aomine woke up to the smell of pancakes.  He pulled himself out of bed, lumbering towards the kitchen where he knew Kagami was.  He smiled when he saw Kagami standing at the stove, in Aomine's tshirt and a pair of boxers under the blue apron.  Aomine walked up to him, hugging him from behind.  He nuzzled his face against Kagami's neck, placing gentle kisses on the back of Kagami's neck.

Kagami giggled, pausing from the pancakes he was making.  "Morning Daiki, I thought you might sleep longer."

Aomine shook his head, resting his chin on Kagami's shoulder.  "Your cooking smells too good for that."

"It's almost ready," he smiled, finishing getting the pancakes out of the pan and onto plates.  "I had fun when I met your parents last night.  They were really nice."

Aomine just raised his eyebrows, "You really think so?  Even though my dad was kinda on edge?"

"Yeah, he was nice, a little gruff, but aren't most dads that way?"  Kagami chuckled, glancing back at Aomine.  He picked up the plates, pulling out of Aomine's arms and starting to walk towards the table.

"Hey, let me help," Aomine took the plates from Kagami's hands, not giving him a chance to decline.  He walked over to the table, setting them down, Kagami following after him.  Aomine shrugged a little, pulling out a chair for Kagami.  As Kagami sat down, he said, "I was just worried because you saw the way he reacted when we said the date we're planning to get married.  He seems to think I'm rushing into this."

Kagami was quiet in response, he kept looking at the plate in front of him.  His expression not same smiling one from a moment ago.  Aomine sat down next to Kagami, resting a hand on Kagami's cheek to turn his face towards his own.  "Kagami, I don't think I'm rushing into this.  I've thought about my life with you a lot.  I know I want this."

Kagami tried to smile, but Aomine could tell that he was forcing it, "I bet having a baby wasn't part of the life you imagined with me..."

Aomine let out a sigh, stroking Kagami's cheek with his thumb, "You say that like this situation is a bad thing."

"Isn't it?"  Kagami brought a hand up to hold onto Aomine's, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes, "If it weren't for the baby, you wouldn't have asked me to marry you."

Aomine took Kagami's face in both of his hands, looking him right in the eyes, "I proposed because I wanted to.  Maybe it's true that if it weren't for the baby, I wouldn't have proposed so soon, but it's also true that I proposed because I want to be with you and I wanted to give you a promise that I'll be here with you."

Tears spilled over and onto Kagami's cheeks, he was smiling again and this time Aomine knew he meant it.  "It makes me so happy when you say that.  I'm sorry I'm so insecure."

"Hey, don't be sorry," Aomine leaned forward to wrap his arms around Kagami.

Kagami immediately hugged him back, burying his face in Aomine's shoulder.  "I was just always afraid that when someone I cared about, especially you, found out about my secret, that you'd think of me as a freak."

Aomine gently rubbed Kagami's back.  The ears and tail certainly did seem to bring out a more fragile side of Kagami, but Aomine would never think he was a freak.  If anything, he thought Kagami was so cute when he was like this.  "I love you and that's not going to change just because of your ears.  And if you having a baby made me not love you then I would be stupid and wouldn't deserve you."

Kagami pulled back a little to look into Aomine's face.  A smile spread across his face, "Daiki..."

Aomine rested a hand on Kagami's cheek, smiling back, "Come on, let's eat breakfast before it gets cold.  You're eating for two now, Taiga."  Kagami nodded, giggling a little and turned back to the pancakes on the table.

[an: I hope you like this update! I couldn't resist the cute feels!! 😊 I'm thinking about them having a morning love scene after this but we'll see how I'm feeling 😂😅 of course, if you feel strongly one way or another, now is the time to say so!]

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