#23 - Antonio Giovinazzi

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Requested by esmeemaria

#23 – Kiss me

As I walk through the room, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I don't even have to look to know who those eyes belong to. I've felt that same pair of eyes on me for the past few weeks. I look behind me and see who I expected.


There has been some serious tension between us the last few weeks, but neither of us has taken any action, which is starting to frustrate me. But I'm not gonna make the first move, he's the guy, he should do it. I know that might sound old fashioned, but that's just how I feel.

I make my way to the bar and I notice that Antonio follows me. At the last moment, I change direction and make my way to the hall way. I wait until Antonio walks in as well, just patiently walking down the hall way until he does.

"Y/N," Antonio's deep voice sounds through the hallway, making me turn around.

"Antonio," I say as I slowly walk back to him.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I ask as I reach him, standing a bit closer to him than I probably should.

"The looks you've been giving me all night, they're not that innocent Y/N. So tell me, what do you want."

"The same thing as you."

"How do you know?" Antonio asks as he leans a bit closer to me, his hot breath against my skin.

"Because I can see the look in your eyes," I say as I look up to look into his eyes.

"Tell me what you want me to do," Antonio whispers in my ear.

"Kiss me."

"My pleasure," Antonio says before slamming his lips against mine. I automatically wrap my arms around Antonio's neck as his find their way around my back. His lips on mine is unlike anything I've ever felt before. His lips are soft, but they move roughly against mine. Even in this simple kiss, Antonio is showing me his dominance and Italian temper, making my knees go weak.

"What took you so long," I whisper in Antonio's ear after he pulls away.

"I was being a gentlemen."

"Stop being a gentlemen and kiss me."

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