#19 & #23 - Sergio Perez

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Requested by LucyReus

#19 - You're beautiful/handsome, and I'm not the only one that thinks that

#23 - Kiss me

As a student, life was as busy as always with too many assignments and too little time. It didn't help that your best friend Sergio was in town for a few days and you really want to spend some time with him before he's off to some faraway country again. So you decided to combine the two and hang out with Sergio as you worked on school stuff. Turns out, that was a bad idea.

"Y/N?" Sergio says, interrupting your work for about the 10th time in the last half an hour.


"Are you almost done?"

"Not really."

"Will you be done soon?"

"Not at this rate."

"Am I bothering you?" Sergio asks and you can tell the worry in his voice, making you look up.

"Yeah, but I really don't mind."

"If you have to work on school, just tell me and we can hang out later."

"No, I love having you around, I want to spend time with you. We hardly ever get to spend any time together so I want to make use of the time we have," you say before closing your laptop and sitting down next to Sergio.

"You're done?"

"No, but I'll finish it later."

"No, Y/N, school is important."

"I know, but you're more important to me," you say, making Sergio smile.

"Alright, awesome! So, tell me, how's the student life? And I'm not talking about the assignments."

"It's okay, nothing too crazy."

"What? No parties? No hook-ups?"

"Some parties, but just casual. And hook-ups aren't gonna happen any time soon."

"What, why not?" Sergio asks confused.

"Because apparently, no guy finds me attractive enough to hook up with."

"What? That's bullshit Y/N and you know it!"

"Well clearly not since I haven't even had a simple kiss since I started my study here."

"Kiss me."

"What?" you ask surprised, but Sergio seems dead serious.

"Kiss me. You said you haven't had a kiss since you started studying, so kiss me."

"Sergio, I-," you start, but you're not able to finish your sentence as Sergio presses his lips against yours. Before you can even fully understand what is going on, he pulls away again. He cups your cheeks to make you look at him.

"You're beautiful and I'm not the only one who thinks that. Don't ever say you're not attractive enough because you are, always."


"To me, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life," Sergio says, making you smile. Since you weren't able to kiss him properly the first time his lips touched yours, you decide to give it another go. As soon as your lips touch his, you know that you don't want anyone else anymore, you just want Sergio. And luckily, he seems to feel the same way.

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