#13 - Lance Stroll

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Requested by hollybowxoxo

#13 - I can't believe you talked me into this

"Are you ready babe?" Lance asks as we arrive at the track. He has a wide smile on his face, clearly very excited about what's about to happen. Which is about opposite to how I'm feeling. 

"No, I'm not."

"It'll be fun babe, I promise," Lance says as we walk into the paddock. Lance takes my hand and softly squeezes it as we make our way to the Williams Garage. 

"Your definition of fun clearly differs from mine."

"Just wait until you're in the car."

"You better be right about this."

"I am, promise," Lance says  as you arrive in the garage. In the corner, you see a racing suit with your name on it, along with a helmet and gloves.

"That's pretty cool," you admit, making Lance smile.

"Go change, the car is waiting for you," he says and you nod before heading to his driver's room. You still don't really know how you ended up doing this, but somehow Lance convinced you to go a lap around the track in the F1 two seater. He said it'd help you understand how he feels when he's racing, which he claims to be the best feeling in the world. Right now, however, you are feeling horrible as you are very nervous. 

"You look amazing babe," Lance says as you walk back into the garage, wearing the racing suit this time. 

"Thanks," you reply, slightly smiling at him. 


"No, but let's do it," you say, making Lance chuckle. You put on your helmet and gloves before you walk to the car. Lance helps you get into the car and fastens your seatbelts.Unfortunately, he won't be driving the car as, for some reason, the team didn't allow it. 

"I can't believe you talked me into this," you murmur as Lance finishes strapping you into the car.

"Thank me later," he says before he presses a kiss against your helmet. Then he steps back and you hear the engine come alive. You look over to Lance one more time before the car starts moving. He better be right about this.

"And?" Lance asks as you get out of the two-seater. You can clearly see he's kind of worried, probably afraid you didn't like it as much as he said you would.

"Well," you say before taking off your helmet so Lance can see the huge smile that's on your face, "I absolutely loved it."

"Really? Yes, that's amazing!" Lance says as he hugs you, happy you felt what he always feels when he's racing.

"Thank you for making me do this," you say before softly pressing your lips against Lance's.

"You're very welcome babe, I'm really glad you enjoyed it."

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