#19 - Marcus Ericsson

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Requested by Mejseamanda93

#19 - You're handsome, and I'm not the only one that thinks that.

You watch your boyfriend as he talks to some of his fellow drivers. It's summer break, which means time for some relaxation. Before everyone goes on holiday, Liberty Media decided to throw a little party to celebrate the season is halfway over. Or something like that. But most drivers found it a good enough excuse to have a little party. Your boyfriend, Sauber driver Marcus Ericsson, no exception.

You smile as he laughs with his friends about something, happy that he is enjoying himself. You know he hasn't always had the easiest time this season, so you're glad to see he can put it all behind him for now and just enjoy some time with his fellow F1 drivers.

Your smile fades, however, when you see an unknown girl standing amongst the drivers. Not that girls can't stand with the group, but this girl is looking at Marcus a little too much for your liking. And she laughs a little too hard when he makes a joke.

You study the girl for a while before realizing she somehow manages to get closer and closer to Marcus. When she puts her hand on his arm, you've had enough. You get up from your seat at the bar and make your way over to the group.

"Hey babe," you say before pressing a kiss against Marcus' cheek.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up?" Marcus asks, a little confused as to why you're suddenly coming over, being so affectionate. It's very unlike you.

"Nothing, just thought I'd check on you."

"Well, I'm great."

"That's great babe," you say as you practically glue yourself to Marcus' side. Marcus is a little confused, but wraps his arm around your waist. You look over to the unknown girl, who's smile has faded considerably, making you do a little victory dance in your head.

The rest of the night, you stay by Marcus' side, making sure to let the unknown girl know that Marcus is yours and off limits. When the nights comes to an end, you and Marcus to the hotel you're staying at.

"Sweetheart, can I ask you something?" Marcus asks as the two of you walk into your hotel room.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Since when are you so affectionate in public?"

"What do you mean?" you ask as you start to change into your pajama's.

"The kiss on my cheek, the touching, the fact that you were practically glued to my side all night. That's not like you at all," Marcus says and you sigh, knowing you're caught.

"You're handsome, and I'm not the only one that thinks that," you simply say, making Marcus look at you confused.


"You seriously didn't see her?"

"See who?"

"That girl, that was standing with your group."

"No?" Marcus says, sounding unsure of his answer as he isn't sure what is the right answer in this case.

"She was looking at you all night, finding your jokes a little too funny and touching you."

"My jokes were pretty funny," Marcus says, making you give him a look that lets him know that's not the point.

"She was all over you Marc!"


"So? I'm your girlfriend, remember?"

"Yes, of course I remember," Marcus says, looking at you confused. Suddenly, realization dawns upon him and he starts to smirk.

"What?" you ask, a little creeped out by the sudden change in expression on his face.

"You were jealous."


"You were jealous of that girl and that's why you acted the way you did."

"I was not jealous."

"Yes, you were sweetheart and I think it's absolutely adorable."


"Yes, I love that you get jealous. But trust me sweetheart, you have no reason to be jealous, I only have eyes for you," Marcus says as he walks over to you, cupping your cheeks with his hands when he reaches you.

"You better," you murmur, making Marcus chuckle.

"I love you sweetheart, don't you ever forget it."

"I love you too. But still, no other girls can touch you."

"I don't mind that at all."

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