#95 - Nico Hulkenberg

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Requested by theycallmetaraa

#95 - Look at me - just breathe, okay

You smile as you see Nico walk towards you, though your smile fades a little when you see the nervous look on his face. You excuse yourself to the people you were talking to and walk towards Nico, a little worried about what's going on. 

"Nico? What's wrong?" you ask as you reach him. 

"Nothing," Nico says, but the tone of his voice tells you differently.

"Nico, we're at a party and you look like you're about to drive the most important race of your life. So what's wrong?"

"Please don't freak out."

"Not helping."

"So, the guys and I were playing this game," Nico starts off, making you wonder where this is going.


"We were basically daring each other to do all these different things."


"And it's my turn now."

"What are you trying to say Nico?" you ask, getting a little impatient. 

"I got dared to kiss you."

"What?" you say a little shocked, wondering if you heard him correctly. 

"I have to kiss you."

"Oh," you say, not knowing how to react. Nico looks pretty nervous himself as he takes a step closer to you. You feel yourself starting to panic as you're about to kiss your best friend. 

"Look at me - just breathe, okay?"

"Okay," you say before you feel Nico's lips touching yours very carefully. Your eyes flutter shut automatically as Nico presses his lips a little firmer against yours. Nico's arms wrap around you to pull you closer to his body as your hands move to his soft, blonde hair. You completely forget about the fact that you're at a party and that there are a bunch of people around. All that matters is Nico and his lips against yours. 

"Finally!"  you hear someone say, pulling you out of your trance. You look around as you suddenly you realize what you're doing: kissing your best friend. You look back up to Nico, who is still looking at you with a smile on his face. 

"I-I-," you start, but you don't even really know what you want to say. You step out of Nico's arms, which are still wrapped around you. The smile on Nico's face fades as you back away from him.

"Y/N," Nico says, a hurt look on his face, but you can't deal with this situation right now. You turn around and head towards your car. But, like you expected, Nico follows you and before you can get in your car, he grabs your arm. 

"Please, wait," he says, his voice pleading and hurt, making you stop moving. 

"What?" you ask, not turning around as you feel your skin tingle under Nico's touch. 

"Don't leave, please."

"Nico, I-"

"Just listen, okay?"

"Okay," you say as you slowly turn around to face Nico. 

"Please don't be like this, I'm sorry if I hurt you. That was never my intention."

"I know that."

"We can forget this ever happened, we can just go back to normal. Nothing will change, I promise."

"Is that what you want?" you ask as you look up to look Nico in the eyes so you can see his reaction.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"I don't know Nico, I really don't," you say, making Nico look at you surprised. He hesitates for a moment before leaning down to kiss you for the second time. You melt into the kiss once again, unable to stop yourself. 

"Do you feel the same?" Nico asks as he pulls away.

"Yeah," you whisper, making Nico smile.

"Good," Nico says before pressing his lips against yours again. And not for the last time today. 

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