#8 - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by sariitiisima

#8 - Does he know about the baby?

You pace around in your room, trying not to freak out too much. Which isn't working.

"Y/N?" your best friend calls from down stairs.

"In my bedroom!" you reply and you hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not Dan."

"What's wrong?" Daniel asks as he walks over to you. You sigh and sit down on the bed. Daniel sits down next to you. You pick up something and hand it. Daniel looks at you confused before looking at what you handed him. A pregnancy test. Your positive pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" Daniel asks, looking at you with wide eyes.

"I am."

"Does he know about the baby?"

"Not yet."

"Why not?" Daniel asks and you take a deep breath, scared of his reaction when you tell him.

"Because the baby isn't his."

"It's not? Then whose is it?"

"Yours," you whisper, but you know he heard you.

"That's not possible. How can you be so sure?"

"Because you're the only guy I've been with in that way in a while."

"What are you gonna tell him?"

"I don't know. If I tell him I'm pregnant, he'll know it's not his."

"I'll be right by your side when you decide to tell him. I'll be by your side every step of the way, if you want me to," Daniel says as he takes your hands, making you smile slightly.

"I want you to."

"I'll take care of you and this baby. We'll be the happiest family you can find."

"I love the sound of that," you say as Daniel leans a bit closer to you. He hesitates, not sure if this is what you want. But you close the gap between the two of you as it's exactly what you want and what you've wanted for a while. You just needed that extra push.

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