#4 - Lewis Hamilton

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Requested by KingKyliwJenner

#4 - You don't need to protect me. 

You walk into the living room of the apartment you share with Lewis, smiling when you see him asleep on the couch with Roscoe lying next to him. He looks absolutely adorable and you quickly take out your phone to snap a picture of the two of them. You open Instagram and post the picture without a caption. You watch as the comments flow in, all wondering where you got that picture from as people don't know the two of you are a couple.

It's not that you don't want them to know, but Lewis doesn't. He never really gave a good reason for it, but he always said that it wasn't the right time. You know he's not embarrassed of you, but it does annoy you a bit. 

You sit down and just scroll through Instagram for a while until you hear Lewis stir a bit. You look up from your phone and smile at him as he sits up.

"Hey babe," you say as he pets Roscoe, who has woken up as well. 

"Hey baby girl, what are you up to?"

"Just looking through IG," you say as Lewis grabs his phone. His eyes widen a bit and he starts scrolling on his phone, visibly freaking out a bit.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Did you post a picture?" Lewis asks as he looks up from his phone.

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"Why did you post a picture of me?"

"Because I wanted to?" you say, unsure if that's the answer Lewis wants to hear. Lewis gets up and starts pacing around a bit, confusing you. 

"What's wrong?" you ask confused as you get up as well. 

"What's wrong? You posted a picture of me on Instagram! Now the whole world knows about us!"

"I thought you weren't embarrassed of me?"

"I'm not, believe me. I'm proud to call you my girl."

"Then why is it a problem that I posted a picture of you?"

"Because of the reactions of my fans!"

"They've been really nice?" you say confused. 

"That's because it has only been a short while. But by tonight, the hate comments will start coming in and I don't want you to have to deal with that."

"Wait, the reason you didn't want to go public was because of the haters?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Lew, you don't need to protect me."

"But you don't deserve those comments."

"People will comment what they want, we can't stop them. It doesn't matter, Lew. All I care about is the two of us and how we feel," you say and Lewis sighs, knowing you're right. He pulls you close by wrapping his arms around your waist.

" You're absolutely right baby girl, I'm sorry. From now on, I'm gonna show you off every chance I get," Lewis says before pressing his lips against yours. 

"You better," you say, making Lewis chuckle. He steps away from you for a moment to grab his phone. He then hugs you from behind and holds out his phone in front of you.

"Smile baby girl."

"What are you doing?" you ask confused. 

"Showing you off," Lewis says before burying his face in your neck, making you smile and smile widely.

"Showing you off," Lewis says before burying his face in your neck, making you smile and smile widely

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A/N: Just imagine this being you and Lewis ;) But a bit more zoomed in and as a selfie :P

"What are you doing?" you ask Lewis starts typing on his phone.

"Showing you off," he replies before showing you his phone. You smile as you see Lewis posted the picture on Instagram with the caption My baby <3

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to."

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