#97 - Lewis Hamilton

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Requested by QueenAmi

#97 - I almost lost you

You make your way through Monaco, enjoying the people around and the atmosphere of the city. Monaco has always been one of your favorite cities to visit, so moving there was an easy decision to make, especially when it meant you got to live with your one love, F1 driver Lewis Hamilton. 

Currently, he has summer break, which means you get to spend a lot of time together, which isn't something that's always the case with him traveling all over the world for races. Even though you could usually join him, he was always busy during race weekends, so you still didn't get to spend much time together. 

Deep in thought, you walk through the streets of Monaco to your favorite café, where you'll be meeting up with Lewis, who went for a work out this morning. You already see Lewis sitting outside the café, waiting for you. You smile and cross the road, forgetting to look in the excitement of seeing Lewis, even though you just saw him things morning. 

"Y/N! Watch out!" you hear Lewis call out, confusing you. You don't have time to figure out what he means as you feel something hit you from the side. Hard. And then everything turns black. 

Lewis paces around your hospital room, not able to sit still as he waits for you to wake up. The doctors said it could be any moment, but it has already been several hours. In his mind, he keeps replaying the moment you got hit over and over again. He feels guitly as he was right there and he couldn't do anything. All he can do is hope and pray you'll be alright.

The doctors told him that you didn't have any injuries that could be fatal, but he still worried about you a lot. He doesn't know what he'd do without you, you are his world.

"Lew?" he hears your beautiful voice say, making him rush to the side of your bed. 

"I'm here," he says as he takes your hand in his bigger ones.

"What happened?"

"You got hit by a car, but you're gonna be alright. Don't worry, okay?"

 "Okay," you say as you see tears appear in Lewis' eyes.

"Don't cry," you say as you reach out to wipe the tears away.

"I almost lost you," Lewis says, his voice breaking.

"But you didn't."

"No, luckily not. I love you so much baby girl."

"I love you too."

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