#6 & #11 & #25 - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by Mejseamanda93

#6 - Stop looking at me like that!

#11 - Why are you pushing me away?

#25 - I told you not to fall in love with me

You make your way through the crowd as you look around for you friends, who you've lost one by one throughout the night. You knew it was bound to happen as you went out with a big group, but you're still a bit annoyed that they left you all alone.

Suddenly, you spot a familiar face and you quickly make your way over to him and put your hand on his arm, making him look at you.

"Y/N, hey," Daniel greets you, for some reason not sounding too happy to see his PR.

"Hey, what's up?" you ask, having not seen him since you got here.

"Nothing much."

"Have you seen any of the others?"

"Saw Max a little while ago, but he was far gone."

"Makes sense as he's the birthday boy."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly."

"Wanna dance?" you ask randomly, hoping a bit of dancing will get rid of the awkward tension between the two of you.

"No thank you, I'm good."

"What's wrong?"


 "Something is up, what is it?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," Daniel says, but you know he's lying.

"Why are you pushing me away?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"I'm not!" Daniel says again, making you sigh in annoyance.

"Alright, then dance with me," you say and Daniel says he has no other choice but to do so. He takes your hand and together you make your way to the dance floor. The two of you start dancing and Daniel actually seems to enjoying himself. Both of you get a bit more into it and soon enough you're full on dancing with each other.

Suddenly you see the look in Daniel's eyes change. He looks at you as if you're his prey and his planning on catching you tonight.

 "Stop looking at me like that,"  you tell him, seemingly snapping him out of his gaze. He looks around quickly before grabbing your hand and pulling you off the dance floor and outside.

"What are you doing?" you ask confused when you get outside.

"I-," Daniel starts, not getting any further than that, which is surprising as you've never seen him lost for words before.

"Spit it out!"

"I love you!" Daniel blurts out, catching you by surprise.


"I'm sorry, I had a lot to drink,  I shouldn't have told you that right now."

"You love me?"

"Yeahh, I kinda do," Daniel admits making you groan.

"I told you not to fall in love with me!"

"I know that, but it just happened!"

"How does something like that just happen?"

"I don't know! I-," Daniel says, looking at you with an intense look in his eyes.


"I'm sorry," Daniel says before taking a step forward and slamming his lips against yours. You're taken off guard for a moment before you kiss him back, completely blown away by the feeling of his lips against yours.

"Don't ever apologize for kissing me again," you mumble before you go back to kissing Daniel, never wanting the feeling to end.

F1 Dialogue One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora