#45 - Lewis Hamilton

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Requested by xxcraycraymofo

#45 - Stop laughing at me!

"Shit!" you call out as the shower head suddenly starts spraying water. You try to turn it off, but seeing as you just got a new, high tech one, you struggle way more than you should.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" you hear Lewis call and you sigh, knowing he'll find you like this. You don't reply, but do manage to turn the shower off.

"Y/N?" Lewis says again as he walks into the bathroom. When he spots you, his eyes widen a bit. There you are, underneath the shower head, completely soaked.

"What happened?" Lewis asks and you can tell he's trying really hard not to laugh.

"Well, I forget for a moment that our new shower has a motion sensor, so I hadn't turned it off when I wanted to clean it," you explain, causing Lewis to burst out laughing, not able to hold it in anymore.

"Stop laughing at me!" you exclaim as you pout. Lewis walks over to you, still laughing.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but you have to admit, it's kinda funny," Lewis says as he wraps his arms loosely around you, careful to stay a bit away from you to not get wet.

"Hmm maybe a little. But you know what would make it even funnier?" you ask, an idea creeping into your head.


"This," you say before turning on the shower, completely soaking Lewis as well. His shocked expression causes you to burst out laughing.

"You're the worst," Lewis tells you, making you chuckle.

"You love me anyway."

"Yeah, I do."

"You know, I've never kissed someone in the rain."

"Do you think a shower counts too? I mean, we're fully dressed and soaking wet, it's kind of the same thing."

"I think it does" you say before Lewis presses his lips against yours, neither of you caring about the water anymore.

F1 Dialogue One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora