#47 - Stoffel Vandoorne

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Requested by FocusOnMeMendes

#47 - I love you and I'm terrified

You make your way through the paddock, on your way to the McLaren garage. It was actually your first time at a GP and for some reason you decided going to the one in Malaysia as a first one was a good idea. You completely forgot about the heat, but you tried to ignore it as you were excited to surprise your best friend Stoffel. You hadn't told him you were going to be here and had to help of Fernando to get here and actually get into the paddock.

You had never been able to visit a race before due to school and work, but now that you finished school, the moment had finally come. And you couldn't be more excited. You take a deep breath before walking into the McLaren garage, a bit nervous as you don't know how Stoffel will react. The race didn't start until a while from now, but you didn't want to bring him out of his concentration.

As soon as you walk in, Fernando spots you and smiles, pointing to the other side. You look over and see Stoffel sitting on one of the desks with his headphones on and scrolling away on his phone. You smile and walk over to him, expecting him to see you already, but he doesn't. You chuckle and grab his phone out of his hands, making him gasp.

"Hey, give tha-, Y/N?" Stoffel exclaims when he sees it was you who took his phone.

"Surprise!" you say as Stoffel pulls you into a bone squeezing hug.

"I can't believe you're here, how are you here right now?"

"Got a little help from a certain team mate of yours," you say, making Stoffel look at Fernando, who gives him a thumbs up.

"I'm so happy you're here, I can't believe it," Stoffel says as he hugs you again, making you giggle.

"Are you excited for the race?"

"Yeah, but even more excited now that you're here. Do you want to see the car?"

"Sure," you say as you smile at his excitement. Stoffel takes your hand and pulls you to his bolide, showing you all different parts of the car and even letting you sit in it for a moment.

"I can't believe you can sit like this for 2 hours," you say, making Stoffel chuckle.

"You get used to it," he says as he helps you get out again.

"Time to get ready," a team member tells Stoffel as he hands him his helmet and gloves.

"Thank you," Stoffel replies as he starts getting ready for the race. Suddenly, you realize what's about to happen. He's about to get in that car and race with 19 other guys at crazy high speeds. Crazy things can happen and accidents are never far away. You realize this man is way more to you than just a friend and you can't bare the thought of losing him.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Stoffel asks, noticing your changed expression.

"No, I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

"I love you and I'm terrified," you say, making Stoffel's eyes widen a bit as he realizes you don't mean it as just friends.


"I love you Stoffel and I'm so scared something will happen to you out there."

"I promise I'll be extra careful, alright?"

"Alright," you say, smiling a bit.

"But you have to promise me something."


"That if I finish in the points, you'll go on a date with me," Stoffel says, making you smile widely.


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