#21 & #97 - Max Verstappen

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Requested by Mejseamanda93

#21 - If you don't rest, you won't heal

#97 - I almost lost you

You slowly wake up, feeling like you've been ran over by  truck. Your entire body hurts and your head is pounding. You try to open your eyes, but the light hurts your eyes, so you quickly close them again.

"Baby?" you hear a familiar voice say.

"Max?" you ask as you try to open your eyes again, which goes a bit better this time. You see Max a bit vaguely and try to sit so you can see where you are. You regret this instantly as pain shots through your entire body.

"Don't move baby, I'm right here," Max says as you feel him take your hand in his bigger one.

"What happened?"

"You were in an accident, I almost lost you," Max says and you hear the emotion in his voice. Well that explains why you feel like you were hit by a truck, you actually were hit by one.


"Don't worry about it baby, you're gonna be okay, everything is gonna be okay," Max says as he strokes your hair. 

"What about your race?"

"Don't worry about it, Pierre will drive in stead of me."

"But you need to drive!"

"No, I need to take care of you," Max says sternly, but you know how important racing is to him.

"You can take care of me there."

"If you don't rest, you won't heal," Max says and you sigh, knowing he's right.

"I know."

"I can live without a few races, but can't live without you baby. No matter what, you will always be more important to me. Never forget that, okay?"

"I won't," you promise, making Max smile. He leans down and presses a kiss against your forehead.

 "I love you."

"I love you too."

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