#46 - Stoffel Vandoorne

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Requested by WriterExtreme

#46 - Just say that it is okay. I just need to hear you say it.

Your day was pretty slow until a car crashed. You knew it could happen, but it still shocked you. As a paramedic, you were used to quite some crazy stuff, but this was another level. There's just something about a car crashing at over 300 km/h that shocks your system. 

But there's no time to be shocked. You need to get to the car and help the driver that crashed. You have no idea how bad it is, but the crash looked pretty horrible. You're one of the first paramedics to reach the crashed car. You don't know much about racing, but you recognize the car as a McLaren. 

"Hello? Can you hear me?" you ask the driver to check if he's awake. 

"Yes," the driver replies, making you sigh in relief a little. At least he's conscious. 

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Stoffel, Stoffel Vandoorne."

"Alright, Stoffel, can you tell me where it hurts?"

"I think it'll be quicker to tell you where it doesn't hurt," Stoffel replies and despite the situation, you chuckle a little. 

"Well, at least your sense of humor isn't hurt."


"Okay Stoffel, try to move as little as possible as we don't yet know if you've broken anything or something like that."

"I can tell you that I have."

"Okay and what do you think you've broken?"

"It feels like I've broken everything."

"Okay, good to know. Try not to move!" you say again before going over to your colleagues to discuss what to do. It doesn't take long before the ambulance arrives and it's decided that it's best to cut the car open and carefully lift Stoffel out.

"Okay, Stoffel, listen carefully. We're gonna cut you out of the car and then put you on a stretcher carefully. How does that sound?"


"It might be, but we're gonna take good care of you," you say before turning away again.

"Hey!" Stoffel calls out, making you look back at him. 


"What's your name?"

"Y/N,"  you say, making Stoffel smile slightly. 

"Beautiful name," he says before you're pushed aside by the marshals who will cut the car away. Fellow paramedics make sure that Stoffel moves as little as possible to make sure nothing gets worse than it already is. 

After what seems like forever, Stoffel is safely in the ambulance and you sit next down next to him before it drives off to the nearest hospital. 

"Y/N?" Stoffel says, making you look at him.


"Just say that it is okay. I just need to hear you say it."

"Everything is gonna be okay, I promise," you tell him as you put your hand on his. Stoffel smiles slightly and trusts you, even though he has never met you before. Something inside him tells him that he should trust you. 

"Y/N?" Stoffel asks again.


"When I'm out of the hospital, will you go to dinner with me?"

"As in a date?"

"Hopefully," Stoffel says, making you smile.

"Okay," you say, making Stoffel smile as well. 

"Now I have the beset reason to get better quickly."

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