#66 - Carlos Sainz

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Requested by sariitiisima

#66 - Please say something

"Y/N?"  Carlos says as he walks into your office.

"Hey, what's up?" you ask as you get up from your seat, ready to go to lunch with Carlos as the of you always do.

"Can we talk?" Carlos asks, sounding quite serious.

"Yeah, of course! What's on your mind?"

"I've just been thinking about something and I'd like your opinion on it."

"Yeah, sure! That's what I'm for," you chuckle as you sit down on one of the chairs standing on the other side of your desk. Carlos sits down as well and sighs, letting you know that whatever is on his mind is really bothering him.

"So, there is this girl," Carlos starts, making you squeal.

"My best friend has a crush," you say, making Carlos chuckle slightly, but you can tell he's very nervous about telling you this and you decide to keep your mouth shut until he's done telling you.

"There's this girl and I really like her. But I don't know if she feels the same way and I'm scared that if I tell her, it will mess things up between us."

"You're friends with her?"

"Yeah, great friends."

"And you're absolutely sure about your feelings for her?"

"I've never been more sure about anything before."

"Then I think you should tell her."

"I should?"

"Yeah, if you're this sure, you can't risk throwing away what the two of you might have," you tell Carlos, even though deep down, it hurts to say it. What Carlos doesn't know, is that you have feelings for him.  But if he will be happy with this girl, I'm happy too.

"Thank you Y/N," Carlos says, smiling at me.

"Anytime Carlos, you know that."

"And Y/N?"


"It's you."

"What?" you ask confused.

"You're the girl I'm talking about. You're the girl I have feelings for."

"I-I am?" you ask and Carlos nods. For a moment, you don't know what to say. You just stare at the man in front of you, not really believing what just happened.

"Please say something."

"I-I feel the same."

"What?" Carlos says, sounding shocked.

"I feel the same way as you do Carlos."

"You do?"

"I do," you confirm, making Carlos smile widely.

"Well, in that case. Care to make our lunch plans a date?"

"I would love to."

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