#20 & #23 - Lance Stroll

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Requested by VamosBarcelona

#20 - I need your forgiveness

#23 - Kiss me

"Baby, please," Lance calls out as he follows you out of the garage towards his motorhome. The race just finished and you thought you were fine, but as soon as you saw him in the garage again, you got mad. Especially when he smiled at that girl again. 

"Don't talk to me Lance!" you reply as you keep talking, not really caring about the looks the people around are you are giving you.

"Wait, please. Let me explain!"

"Nothing to explain."

"There is! Just give me a moment to explain."

"No," you say before going into Lance's driver's room and shutting the door behind you. Lance sighs and opens the door again. Even though you knew the closed door couldn't keep him out, you hoped he would give up for the time being.

"Baby, please. Just listen to me."

"What's there to say Lance? I saw it with my own eyes! That girl was all over you and you didn't do anything to stop it."

"That's not true!"

"It is and you know it!" you say as you can't help but raise your voice. 

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Well I don't know, maybe push her off? Tell her you have a girlfriend?"

"You're right, I should have. But I didn't and there's nothing I can change about it now."

"You're right, you didn't! If you did, we wouldn't have this problem right now," you exclaim and Lance sighs as he looks down. 

"I need your forgiveness."

"I can't just give that to you."

"I know that, so just hear me out, okay?" Lance asks and you sigh before you nod.

"You have one chance."

"You are absolutely right when you say I should've stopped her. But I was on the grid and there were tons of cameras around and I didn't want people to start asking questions. I didn't want to expose us, expose you," Lance explains, making you smile slightly.

"Kiss me," you say, making Lance look at you confused. You chuckle and press your lips against his instead. Lance doesn't hesitate to kiss you back, but does pull away after a while.

"What was that for?" he asks confused. 

"I'm not happy with what you did, but I love why you did it."

"Anything for you."

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