#89 - Max Verstappen

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Requested by EmilyJanuzaj

#89 - Is it possible to love too much?

You have been busy all day, running around the apartment all day to try and get everything tidy for when Max comes back home. It didn't help that your baby girl has been a bit fussy all day, not wanting to be out of your arms for too long.

You sigh as you let yourself fall onto the couch, feeling exhausted because of the long day you had. However, you're happy to have everything tidy for when Max gets here, which can be any moment. Luckily your little girl is down for a quick nap before dinner as she didn't sleep well the night before.

"Baby?" you hear the familiar voice of your husband say, making you smile.

"Living room," you reply and you wait for Max to join you here.

"Hey schat ," Max greets you as he sits down next to you, giving you a quick kiss.

"Hey," you reply as you cuddle up to him, happy to have your man next to you again.

"How was your day?"

"Long and tiring," you admit honestly, making Max pull you a little tighter against him.

"The house looks amazing though," he says, making you smile because he noticed all the work you did.

"Thank you."

"Where's our little girl?"

"She's taking a little nap, she didn't catch much sleep last night and she was fussy all day."

"Which means you didn't catch much sleep either."

"Not really, but I'm fine."

"Doesn't matter, you're gonna rest and  read a book or something whilst I make dinner, okay?"

"Sounds perfect," you say, making Max smile. He gives you a kiss before he heads to the kitchen to make dinner. Meanwhile, you grab the book you started ages ago and actually manage to read quite a lot before Max calls out dinner is almost ready.

"I'll go get Macy," you reply before you head to your daughter's room. She's already awake, smiling when she sees you. You pick her up and walk to the kitchen, where Max just puts dinner on the table.

"Look, it's daddy," you say, making Max look at you with a smile.

"Is it possible to love too much?" he asks as he walks over to you.

"I ask myself the same thing every day."

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