#56 - Max Verstappen

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Requested by Gleekgirl2000

#56 - You embarrassed me this evening

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you!" you exclaim as you make your way into the apartment you share with Max after a party hosted by your boss. Max follows close behind you, closing the door behind him.


"You really have no clue what I'm talking about?"


" You embarrassed me this evening!" you exclaim, not understanding that Max doesn't realize this.

"Embarrassed you?"


"I've been trying to talk you up to all the important men!" Max exclaims, making you mentally face palm at how little Max seems to know about your work.

"Do you even know what my work is about?"

"Kind of?" Max says, making you groan.

"Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry, okay! I was just trying to help you."

"You didn't help me, you embarrassed me! My loving boyfriend who doesn't know anything about my work. Really shows how important my job is to me if even my boyfriend doesn't know what I do!"

"You don't ever tell me anything!"

"I try to, but you don't ever want to listen! You're always to busy or you're gone," you accuse him and Max sighs, knowing you're right. Normally, you don't mind it as you know he's busy with racing. But tonight, it really bothered you.

"Are you seriously going there right now?"

"Maybe I am," you say, challenging Max. Max groans slightly and takes a few steps towards you until he's standing right in front of you.

"Really now?"

"Yeah, really," you reply, smirking at Max, which seems to trigger something within him. He slams his lips against yours and pulls you as close against him as possible. You don't hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back just as forcefully as he is kissing you.

"Jump," Max groans and you happily oblige. As soon as you've wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, he starts walking to the bedroom, making you feel a lot less annoyed by the fact that he embarrassed you.

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