#3 & #87 - Marcus Ericsson

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Requested by werisen

#3 - I'm flirting with you

#87 - That's distracting

"Hey," Marcus says, making you look up from your laptop.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much, bit bored actually," Marcus says as he sits down across from you.  He has been doing this quite often lately, coming into your office whenever he was bored.

"That's annoying,'' you say as you focus your attention back on your work as you didn't actually have time to be bored.

"Yeah it is. So, what have you been up to lately?"

"Working a lot."

 "Ohh..., that's it?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, then it's time to go out sometime soon."

"I wish I could."

"Well, why not then?"

 "Because I don't have any time," you sigh as you look up from your laptop again.

"Even if I ask you to go out?"

"Yes, even then."

"C'mon Y/N, have some fun," Marcus says as he gets up and walks over to you. You don't look at him and try to focus on the work you have to do. But it's not that easy as Marcus slides his hand down your arm. You try not to react to him but that becomes even harder as Marcus places his hand on your knee.

"That's distracting," you whisper, as if you're scared to say it any louder in case anyone will hear.

"That's the point," Marcus replies, whispering it into your ear which causes a shiver to run down your spine.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm flirting with you."


"Because I want to."

"Why?" you ask again, making Marcus chuckle softly.

"Because I think you're sexy and amazing and sweet and," Marcus starts saying, making you blush.

"Alright, alright, I get it."


"So what?" you ask confused as you look at him.

"Will you go out with me?"


"Really," Marcus says, making you smile.

"Okay, yeah," you say making Marcus smile as well.

"Great, then I'll see you tonight," he says before getting up and walking out of your office as if nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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