#35 - Carlos Sainz

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Requested by VamosBarcelona

#35 - Go on, tell me, tell me you don't love me

Ever since the start of your relationship with Carlos, people have judged you. The most important people doing this being his parents. According to them, you were a distraction for Carlos and you're what's keeping him from making it big in Formula 1. The two of you had never listed to what they said, but lately, it feels like something has changed when it comes to that. 

"Babe?" you call out as you walk into Carlos' apartment. No one responds, but you know he has to be home. You make your way to the living room and find Carlos sitting on the couch, staring into space.

"Carlos?" you say, making him look up.

"What's wrong?" you ask as you sit down next to him. The look on his face worries you and you wonder what's on his mind.

"I'm so sorry Y/N," Carlos says, confusing you.

"Sorry for what? What's going on?"

"We're over," Carlos whispers, not looking at you as he does.

"What?! You're breaking up with me?"



"It's just that these past-," Carlos starts, but suddenly, you know exactly what the reason is. Or who rather. 

"You know what, I don't want to hear it. I just want to hear you say 1 thing. Tell me you don't love me," you say, interrupting Carlos.


"Look me in the eyes and tell me."

"Y/N, please do this," Carlos pleads, knowing you figured out his parents are making him do this. What you don't know is that they told him his racing career will come to an end if he doesn't end things with you. And no matter how much he loves you, racing is in his blood.

"Go on, tell me, tell me you don't love me!"

"I-I," Carlos starts, looking you in the eye. But he doesn't get much further than that.  


"I can't. I love you Y/N and you know it. But my parents, they-"

"We've never cared about what they wanted before and we're not going to start now. Whatever it is they threatened to do, we'll figure it out. Together."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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