#7 - Lewis Hamilton

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Requested by KingKyliwJenner

#7 - You make a good pillow

If you have learned one thing from traveling around the world with Lewis, it's that it's very tiring. Especially flights, flights are the worst. So it's no surprise that you're currently trying really hard not to fall asleep as you're almost at the hotel. Another race, another flight.

"Are you okay baby girl?" Lewis asks worried as he sees you struggling to stay awake.

"Yeah, just tired."

"We're almost there," Lewis promises and luckily he's right. The car stops in front of a big, luxurious looking hotel, making you smile. These kind of hotels always have the most comfortable beds.

Lewis gets out and holds out his hand for you. You smile at him and take his hand before getting out as well. After grabbing your suitcases, the two of you head inside. Lewis goes up to the front desk and checks in whilst you look around a little. The hotel looks very beautiful and the hotel room will probably be amazing as well, but the only sight you wanna see right now is the one when you close your eyes.

"You coming?" Lewis asks, making you look at him. He shows you the key to the hotel room and you smile before following him to the elevator.

As you expected, the hotel room looks amazing, but you only have eyes for the bed, which looks very comfortable. You quickly put your suitcase down and take out your PJ's. As you change into them, Lewis walks around the room a bit to see what it's like.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower," he tells you and you nod before getting into bed.

But even though the bed is very comfortable, you can't seem to fall asleep. After laying awake for a little while you hear Lewis finishing his shower, making you smile.

Lewis walks out of the bathroom, sweats low on his face and no shirt, which you don't mind at all. You take a few moments to appreciate the sight  without him noticing.

"Lew?" you ask, making him turn around.

"Yeah baby girl?"

"Can you come lay with me?"

"Of course," Lewis says before getting into bed as well. You immediately put your head on his chest as his arm wraps around you.

"You make a good pillow," you say, making Lewis chuckle.

"I hope that's not all I'm good for."

"Of course not, but I'm too tired for anything else right now. Tomorrow night."

"I'm gonna hold you to that."

"Gladly," you say before drifting off to sleep.

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