#95 - Stoffel Vandoorne

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Requested by pasfeatvic

#95 - Look at me - just breathe, okay?

Traveling along to races with Stoffel was something you really enjoyed to do as you could spend a lot of time with Stoffel and watch the races from the garage. The only downside was the traveling itself. You absolutely hated flying and every time you had to fly somewhere, it caused a lot of stress and it made you anxious. This time was no different.

"Are you okay?" Stoffel asks as the two of you make your way through the airport towards the private yet that will take you and some more people to the next race.

"As okay as I can be I guess," you sigh as Stoffel squeezes your hand, knowing how hard this always is for you. Soon enough, the two of you reach the plane that'll take you to the race.

"I'm right here, you're gonna be okay," Stoffel tells you before the two of you get on the plane. There are already a few people there and you sit down a bit away from the other people, wanting to have as little people as possible around you. Stoffel sits down next to you after putting your hand luggage away and takes your hand.

"We'll take off soon," Stoffel tells you and you nod, trying to focus on staying as calm as possible. Luckily, the other people don't take that long to get on the plane. Soon enough, the engines start and you know one of the worst moments is about to happen. Taking off.

"Look at me,"  Stoffel says and you do as he tells you, "just breathe, okay?"

You nod and take a deep breath whilst taking into Stoffel's eyes. His eyes are full of love and worry, worry for you. The plane starts moving faster and faster before taking off. You focus on your breathing whilst you keep looking into Stoffel's eyes.

"I'm here," Stoffel says again and you focus on the sound of his voice, which comforts you. His thumb makes circles on the back of your hand, which calms you down a little. Before you know it, the plane has reached its altitude and the 'fasten your seatbelts' light turns off.

"See,  everything is okay," Stoffel says, smiling at you. You smile back at him, feeling much better now. The flight itself doesn't bother you as much. It's the taking off and the landing that bothers you.

"Thank you," you tell him, happy that you have found a guy as amazing as him.

"Always," Stoffel says before softly pressing his lips against yours.

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