#100 - Valtteri Bottas

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A/N: The requests are open again!

Requested by wholockiangirlalice

#100 - No one needs to know 

You walk through the F1 paddock and greet a few familiar faces. You've haven't been working in the racing world for that long, but you've gotten to know a few people in the time you've been here. You make your way to the Mercedes Hospitality unit as you're working for Mercedes. More specifically, Valtteri Bottas. As his new press officer, it was your job to make sure everything runs smoothly on the media side of things.

"Hey!" you greet Valtteri as you sit down next to him by one of the tables. 

"Hey!" he replies with a smile on your face, which makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. 

"Ready for today?"

"I'm always ready."

"Just don't do anything crazy so I won't have to do too much," you say, making Valtteri chuckle. 

"I'll do my best," he says as his name gets called. 

"Looks like they need you."

"Too bad," he says, giving you a wink before he gets up, leaving you with way too many butterflies once again. It really has to stop, you can't have a crush on the man you're working for. You're supposed to keep things professional. So far, it isn't really working out the way you planned. And the way Valtteri is acting also doesn't help. 

You watch as Valtteri follows one of the team members to the garage, but not before looking back at you and sending you a sweet smile. He really has to stop doing that if you want your heart to survive this. 

You walk into the Mercedes garage not too long before the race actually starts and make your way to Valtteri's side of the garage. It takes a little while before Valtteri spots you, but when he does, a smile appears on his face as he makes his way over to you.

"Hey there," he says as he reaches you.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Great, better now that my good luck charm is here," Valtteri says, making you chuckle and also blush a bit. 

"I'm sure you'll do great even if I'm not here."

"I'd rather not put that theory to the test," Valtteri says with a smile on his face. You don't really know what to say as Valtteri looks straight into your eyes. It feels as though the two of you are the only one in the garage at the moment. 

"If I have a good race, will you go to dinner with me?" Valtteri asks, catching you by surprise. 


"Do you want to go to dinner with me."

"As in a date?"

"Yes, as in a date."

"But we work together."

"No one needs to know."

"Are you sure?"

"More than sure," Valtteri says, making you smile.

"Then yes, I'd love to."

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