#63 - Nico Hulkenberg

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#63 - You left without saying goodbye...... I hate you for that.

Your relationship with Nico had never been perfect, but you didn't mind. You had always believed that perfect relationships without any issues wouldn't last. However, that didn't make the fight the two of you had last night any better.

You don't even really remember what caused it, probably something about him being away so often. You knew it was part of his job and usually, you were absolutely fine with it. But sometimes, it just got too much and last night was one of those times.

At one point, you'd just gone to bed, tired of everything that has happened. Even though he had to leave the next day, you knew the two of you would be okay before he did.

But when you wake up the next morning, he is gone. That had never happened before and you feel pretty upset because of it.

You get out of bed and put on some comfortable clothes. As you make your way to the kitchen, you look for a note, anything, that Nico might have left. But you don't find anything.

You make yourself some breakfast and as you eat it, you try to figure out why Nico left like that. But you can't think of anything. He has never done this, even when we were in a big fight, he'd always say goodbye as we both know how dangerous his sport can be.

Once you finish your breakfast, you grab your phone and you FaceTime Nico. It doesn't take long before he picks up, seemingly being in an airport.

"Hey," he greets you.

"Hey," you reply.

"Is something wrong?" Nico asks as you never call just after he leaves.

"You left without saying goodbye...... I hate you for that."

"I-I'm sorry Y/N," Nico says as he looks down.

"Why didn't you say goodbye? You know I always want you to, no matter what. You never know what could happen."

"I know baby, but I just.... I don't know why I didn't. I'm sorry."

"Are you that angry with me?" you ask carefully, but Nico shakes his head.

"No not at all, but you just looked so peaceful and I know how tough you've had it lately, so I just wanted to give you some more sleep."

"You leaving will always be more important than sleep to me Nico, I thought you knew that."

"I do, I do know that. And I'm sorry I didn't wake you," Nico says and you sigh, knowing there's not much you can do about it now.

"Well, have a safe flight. And be careful," you tell him, which is what you always tell him before he leaves.

"I will," Nico promises, smiling slightly.

"I love you."

"I love you more," Nico says, winking at you, making you giggle.

"I'll see you soon."

"See you soon baby."

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