Old Friend Pt. 2

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Denis pov.

The teacher didn't come into my class today. I guess they are busy with their jobs. Corl is sitting in front of me. When I call his name 'corl' I will remember my best friend.

When me and corl is 13 we still visit each other and always share thoughts and stories. Me and corl is hanging out in the park under a shady tree. "hey corl! Why do you look sad buddy? " I  look at him. "denis.. I'm sorry.." he said sadly. "why? You did nothing wrong!" I played with the grass. "I have to move tomorrow. To another place." he said. I can see tears forming in his eyes. "where?" I ask him. "I don't know. But my parents said it is far from Canada." he look down. I hug him. "Even if we far we can met one day. Maybe when were high school?" I smiled. "I promise I will be back here when were high school students." he smiled. We both get up and say our last goodbyes. I gave him my number incase he can contact me.

~End of flashback~

"Denis ? Denis? Denis! "corl is standing in front of me." oh corl. S.. Sorry. "I sat up." what happen to you? You're staring at one place for minutes. "corl grab a chair and sit in front of me facing me." well I... I got a flashback. Seeing you reminds me of my old friend. "I played with my pen." oh does he looks like me? "he ask." familiar to you. " I sigh." since when did you met him? "he ask again." well since were kindergarten. He moved out when were 13. He promise me that he will come back. "I explain." oh.. It must be hard losing a best friend. "says corl." yea.. He gave me this so I will always remember him. I have the red one and he have the blue one. "I show corl an apple pin.

Corl pov.

That pin.. It is.. Similar to mine. I look over at my pencil box and look at the pin I pit there. It is a blue apple pin. No.. It is him.. It is Denis! My old friend. Denis kopotun. Im with him since this morning. I have to tell him. Im about to open my mouth then the bell rang. "welp lunch time! Lets go!" denis said. He put the red apple pin on his clothe. He get up and told me to follow him. I sigh and follow him to the cafeteria.

At the cafeteria.

Denis is looking around finding someone. He then walk to a table that have sub and alex. "hey guys." denis smiled at them. He sat down and I sat down in front of him. "hi dingo." sub said. "so waddya learn?" alex ask. "we didn't learn anything. There is no teacher come into our class today." I said. "oh.. Lucky both of you. Mr. Extabyte here is almost fallen asleep in class." alex tease. "I cant help it! Im too tired. Im glad that the teacher didn't notice me." he ate his sandwich. "nothing new is happening today.." denis sigh. "maybe you will meet your old bud. He did say to you he will come back." alex drink his chocolate milk. "impossible. He's in LA." denis fix his hair. "don't give up so quickly ya goof. Maybe a miracle will happen." sub smiled. Denis smiled back. I felt sorry  for denis. He missed me. His old friend is right in front of him. "Denis can you meet me at the park this evening?" I ask. "oh sure. Here's my number." He took out a pen and wrote down his number on a piece of a small paper. He gave it to me. I kept them in my pocket. Then the bell rang. We all go back into our class. I will tell denis this evening his bud is back and it is me all along.

They learn in their classes. When the school ends, denis say goodbye to corl. They went home and took some rest. They will meet up this evening at the park and corl is ready to tell that he is denis's old friend.

Soooooo..... Ik this chapter might be kinda crappy. But im dizzy today and my mom is sick. Im getting mad without any reason today. Well except my annoying cats. Bye imma go crash.

💜Alexander 💜

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