Bad Hair Day Sublex

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This is a apology chapter to those read my previous chapter of Dare Dorl and Sublex. So let's fly into it!

Sub POV.

I wake up when I heard someone yell. I shot up and look around. I didn't see anyone but then I see Alex. He look-- kinda mad. " Good morning Alex-- " I said as I stretch. " Morning Sub. Sorry that I wake you up. " He said fixing his hair. " It's fine but why are you yelling this morning? " I ask. " Well I have some works to do today but my hair keep getting messy. " He said messing around with his hair. " I know someone with fluffy and a little messy hair. Corl. His hair is a little messy all the time but he have ways to make it look good. Go meet him and maybe he could help you. " I said as I smiled. " But - Sub he's sleeping with Denis right now. I don't wanna disturb them. " Alex said.  " Okay then-- If you say so- " I said as I walk toward the bathroom.

Skip till 4pm where Alex just got home.

I was hanging out with Denis and Corl in the living room. Alex are out doing his works. " So Sub- where is Alex? " Denis ask. " I dunno he just said that he have works to do somewhere. " I said as I shrug my shoulder. Then we heard the front door creak open. We see Alex. " Thanks Corl for fixing my hair! I felt normal! " Alex said full of happiness. He sat down next to me.
" And thanks Sub for suggesting me the ideas. " Alex kissed my cheek.
" Anything to make you happy. " I smiled. I wrap my hand around him as we watch the TV together.

This is an apology chapter for the last one! I'm sorry for those who read them and felt uncomfortable! I hope you enjoy your time! Bye!

⭐Alexander Walker⭐

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