Plates Master Pt. 1

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Corl POV.

I was walking around the house while thinking then I met Denis standing in the kitchen. " Oh hey Denis. " I said.
" Hey. " He said as he wave. In his hand, I see a glass plate. " Oh hell nah." I said as I backed up. " Hell yea. " He said as he walk closer with the plate on the air. " Oh shoot! "  I run toward the front door. He run behind me chasing me to, you know.. Break the plate in front of me. I open the door and see Alex. " Oh hey Corl. What are you d-" He pause himself as he see Denis run after me. " Alex run" I said. He run out first I followed after him. " Why do you like smashing plates so much?!?! " I yell. " For fun. " Denis said. Then we run onto a corner. We stopped and lean against the corner, preventing ourselves from getting the impact of the plate. " No, Denis stop! There is a security camera right there! " I said as I point upwards. " Oh " He said. Then he lift his hand up high and smash the plate on the floor. " They don't see me. " He laughed. " Dang we should bought him plastic plates next.. " Alex said. "Good point" I said. Dang we need to stop his habit....

Some short chapter!

⭐~DORL ~One Shot-⭐COMPLETED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang