Little bit of sugar but lots of poison too Pt. 1

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Corl POV.

The 20th time I get abused by biff and this is the 21th day I'm with him. Yes I counted how many days I have been suffering because I will write this down on a journal and let anybody who found the book read it and feel my. I then thinker of something. How about if I bake Biff some cookies? Maybe he will like it.

Biff POV.

I come home at 4 pm. Man that was a blast, hanging out with my buddies. The first step into the house and I smell something. Is is cookies? My favourite food? I follow the smell toward the kitchen. I see Braden cooking cookies.  " Uhm.. Hey Braden. Can I have some cookies? " I ask.
" Sure. " He said as he hand me a tray of it. Its my favourite. I pick one and bite it. " This was good. What did you put in it? " I ask. " Well. Butter, Eggs, Flour, Chocolate chips, vanilla essence and my secret ingredient. " He said.
" Whats the secret ingredient? " I ask as I finish the cookie. " Poison " He said. " What?! " I yelled. I look at him and see him with evil smirk. " It will work in 3 , 2 , 1.. " After the number one I can't feel anything. I start to fall. I can't breath of move.

Corl POV.

That was easier to trick him. I'm free. Now I want to get out of this hell hole and go to the only person I truthfully love. Denis. The only people cares about me. I get up and look at Biff's dead body. I shrug my shoulder and leave his body there. I pack my stuff into a backpack and walk out leaving this hell.

I got this idea from the music " milk and cookies " Melanie Martinez. When I write this I laugh when I wrote the part where Biff dies. XD mwahahahahahahaha darkxander out!


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