Phantom Theif Pt. 1

183 10 6

We will concur the light and spread the darkness.
Tonight we will steal the Diamond Play Button.

Danger Denis

Sketch POV.

" Hey Flebsy. Look at this. " I said as I show him the note. Flebsy come and took the note from my hand. " Yep. They will steal it tonight. " He said. We have prepared the security guards around the place to make sure the Diamond Play Button is safe. Then the door burst open as a guard run in.
" Sir! Sir! We found this note! " He said as he gave the note to us. It's now a red note.

We will spread the light and concur the darkness.

We the Light Phantom Thief will steal your Diamond Play Button tonight.

° Corl Horl°

Another note? From another Phantom Thief? This one is way different and it looks like a new thief is here. We have to maximum the security right away. " Flebsy. Call mote guards and secure the Play Button. There is now two Phantom Thief onto it. " I said. " Right away. "He said as he walks away. I stood near the big glass window and look at the moon.

Didn't expect that didn't you? Anyway Denis will be the Dark Phantom Thief and Corl will be the Light Phantom Thief. I hope ya enjoy. Buh-bye!


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