His Birthday

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Denis POV.

I wake up when I felt someone moved next to me. I slowly open my eyes and see Corl. He kept moving in his sleep. Then I heard my phone rang. I grab it and see it is an alarm. I turn off the alarm and notice a note in my phone.

Corl's birthday tomorrow

Oh shoot... I literally forgot.. Even I just wrote that note yesterday. I just remember that Sub, Alex the others planning to put up the birthday decoration this morning. We have to wake up early and I assuming that I wake up late. I get off my bed quietly to not to wake Corl up. I quickly exit my room and walk downstairs. I see that Alex is baking the cake. Sub and Sketch are putting up the banner. Samantha and Jent is setting up the living room. "Oh you're awake. And you're late. "Sub said. "Ehh.. Sorry.. I'm in deep sleep. " I scratch the back of my head. "Anyway go help Alex. He almost done with the cake. "Sub said as he jumped off the chair. I nod and walk into the kitchen. I see Alex pulling out the cake from the oven. He put it on the table. "Hey Alex. "I said. " Oh hey Dingo. Sleep well? "He ask. I nod. "Denis. Corl like strawberry frosting, vanilla or chocolate? "Alex ask. "He like strawberry an vanilla. "I said. "Okay. Can you help me with the frosting. Imma settle the strawberries"he said. "Sure do. "I walk toward the table and pick up the vanilla frosting and start to decorate it.

Skip cud idk much about how to decorate cake. 🍰🍰

I already finished. The cake looks beautiful and delicious at the same time. I then heard Sam say something. " Guys! Corl is coming down. " she said. We turn off the light and hide inside the living room. Me and Sub hold the cake and get ready to surprise him. Then we heard a footstep in the living room. "Guys? Anyone here? "He shout. Then.. Sketch turn on the light as we jump out and yell " Happy Birthday!! ". He look at us shocked. His eyes are widen but.. He didn't smile. He frowned. "Corl? "Jent said walking closer. "I- I have to go.. "He said as he walk back upstairs. "What happen? "Sketch said. "He seem-- sad .. "I said. "Do he wake up in the bad mood or something? "Alex ask. "I dunno. He seem to have bad memory about this. I can tell from his reaction. "Sam said. " I will go talk with him. "I said as I pass the cake to Sub. I walk upstairs to his room.

Yeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I get more idea!!!! My keyboard is messing real bad with me rite now. So hard to type in. Anyway bye!!!

⭐Alexander Walker ⭐

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