Self Harming Pt.1

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Corl POV.

My parents have been yelling at me. They kept getting mad at me for no reason. I start to get depressed , sad and angry. I had nobody who loves me. I was crying in my room. I don't know why to do. How to make myself feel less depressed. I'm about to take my phone to text Denis but a razor fall on my hand and scratch my hand , leaving a line of blood there. I felt pain , but there is something else. Relief . I pick up the razor and look at it , thinking what should I do. Slowly , I put it on my arm and start to push it in. There is a lot of pain but I start to feel better. After minutes , I look at my right arm. I have made a lot of cuts there. I proceed to do it on my left arm. Without knowing I push the razor deeper and suddenly everything turned black.

Denis POV.

I have been calling Corl for the 10th time but he still didn't pick up. I start to get worried. I mean Corl have been telling me that he have been depressed . I'm worried that he might start to hurt himself and worse start to have suicidal thoughts. I quickly ran into my car and start the engine. I start to drive toward Corl's house. Minutes pass, and I parked my car in front of Corl's house. I exit my car and knock on the front door. Corl's dad opens the door. " I want to meet Braden ." I said. " He's in his room kid. Go upstairs. " He said as he put the cigarette in between his lips. I nod and run in. I ran upstairs toward Corl's room. I knock on the door but no answer. I turn the door knob and it opens . I step in and see something horrifying. Corl is on the bed, blood all over his arms, razor in his hand and passed out . I run toward him and help him up. " What did you do Braden?" I said as I hugged him.

Story based by my life. So what he did here is right just my parents not yelling at me all the time. I have been self harming due to depression and anger.

⭐ Alexander⭐

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