The Bully Pt. 1

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Corl pov.

I heard my alarm beep. I turn it off and stretch. I just remember that today is my first day of school. I get off my bed and walk to the bathroom. ( he have a towel inside his bathroom so don't worry XD )
I took off my clothes and throw them in the laundry basket. I then start to took a shower. After I done, I put on my school uniform. I fixed my hair and my red tie.
( and yes they wear their school uniform.. )
I grab my bag and walk outta my house. I make sure the door is locked. Then I start to walk to the school. 
When Im there I look around to find sub and alex. I didn't find them but I see a guy that caught my attention. He's really tall and handsome. He look scary but I know that he's nice. He is leaning against the wall and played his phone. I walk over to him. "oh. Hi. You're new?" he look at me. I nod. "I'm denis." we shook hands. "I'm Braden. I prefer corl." I smiled. We talked a bit. Then I heard a guy calling Denis's name. I turn around and stand beside denis. "denis! What are you doing with this goof! You're a bully!" he yell at denis. "N.. No! I'm not!" denis yell back. "prove it. "he cross his arms." B... But.. James... " he got cut off." PROVE IT! " James yell." Im sorry Braden. "denis said under his breath. He suddenly punch me in the stomach. I didn't fall but oh boy the pain. I look at them and I see James laugh. Denis just look down. He seem don't like it." let's go settle some more kids. "  James grab Denis's hand and bring him into the school. I heard two familiar voice. I look up."corl!! Yer okay?!?! " sub run up to me followed by alex. "omg you're hurt?!" alex helped me up. "I.. Im fine... Just my stomach is hurt." I hold my stomach. I imagine a bruise on my stomach. "let's go tell a teacher." sub said. "no! There is two guys there the one punched me is nice guy. The other guy force him to punch me." I hold sub's shoulder. He sigh. We all walk into the school. "guys can I go to the restroom for a sec. I'll be right back." I told them and walk to boys restroom. When I open the door I see denis standing in front of the mirror. He turn his head to me and smile weakly. "Im sorry for what happen. I hurted you." he said. "It's okay. It is not your fault." I smiled. "why are you here?" he ask me. "I... I want to check if there is bruise on my stomach." I blushed a bit. "lemme help you." denis smiled and took my bag. He put the bag on his shoulder. "c.. can you look away?" I shutter and blushed a bit. He nod and look away. I slide up my white shirt and see a bruise. "ow." I said slowly. "Is there bruise?!?!" denis ask with worry tone. "N.. No.. It's just hurt." I lied. "okay." he replied simply. I slide down my shirt and fix them. After I done I grab my bag from denis. "here's my number. Incase if you need me or anything." he hand a piece of small paper with a sweet smile. "thanks. I gotta go. Maybe I will see you in lunch?" I smiled. He nods. I waved goodbye to him and walk away. As soon as I walk out sub and alex are looking at me. "what?" I ask confused. "what are you doing in there?" sub ask. "check on my bruise." I said simply. "oh okay. Were just worried on you." sub said. "I will be fine guys. You don't need to keep yer eyes on me all the time." I try and make them less worry. They nod. Then the bell rang. "I gotta go to class. Bye." I said to sub and alex. "bye corl!" they smiled. I start to walk to my class.

I think I really like this chapter. It is my new fav chapter. Thank you guys for being nice to me. Because my friends is not really nice and Im a quiet type of person. Anyway if yer need anything feel free to message me! Bye! Love ya all shiny diamonds.

💜Alexander 💜

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