Languages of Love- Bucky Barnes

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This one-shot was requested by TwiceTheImagination who specifically requested that the reader for this one-shot be half Russian, half Arab, and a hijabi. This will be a cute fluff. Oh and the reader is married to Bucky.

The first part of this one-shot is also a bit intense but nothing bad happens to the reader (although the guy that gets punched did have it coming to him).


Italics: Speaking in Russian

Bold Italics: Speaking in Arabic

For future reference while the reader is usually race-neutral for my one-shots for the most part, I can make exceptions for people who make specific requests on race/ethnicity.


"Hey girl," some creepy looking guy says to you as you were walking to your apartment, coffee in hand, "What's a pretty thing like you hiding underneath that?" he gestures to your hijab. "It's really none of your business," you reply cooly, concealing the uneasiness that was starting to develop. You start to walk away, doing your best to ignore this guy. "Hey!" he grabs your arm, "I'm talking to you, lady." "I'm well aware of that," you retort, "Now let go of my arm or I will scream." "You think anyone around here will come to help you?" he scoffs, "You should've stayed in Saudi Arabia if you wanted that." "I'm from Dubai, you pig!" you shoot back, slapping him across the face. He then shoves you right against the wall, "If you won't show me what's underneath all that, I'll just have to find out myself," he sneers. You kick and scream as he proceeds with his actions. Before he could even start however, a metal hand yanked him right off you. Before the guy could even register what was happening, the man who rescued you pulled him by the collar of his shirt to face him. "You have no right to assault a lady that way," you hero angrily says through his teeth right before he punched the guys lights out. You recognized the language your hero spoke was Russian.

"Are you okay?" the metal armed hero asks you in English. "Yeah, I think," you say picking the coffee cup you spilled when the guy shoved you, "You were speaking Russian just before." "You speak Russian?" he asks you. "I'm half Russian actually," you nod your head proudly, "Half Russian and Half Arab." "That's pretty cool," he says in Russian, "My name is James, but most people call me Bucky." "My name is (y/n)," you reply back in Russian. "That's a pretty name, (y/n)," Bucky says. For reasons you couldn't fathom, you liked the way he said your name; it sounded even better with the way he spoke Russian. "If you want I could walk you back to where you live," Bucky offers. "I would like that very much," you accept. "I like your hijab, by the way," he compliments as the two of you start to walk, "The color suits you." "Ah, thank you," you reply shyly.

------------End of Flashback---------------------

One year and seven months later, you were here on this very morning in bed with the man who rescued you that day. This is also the day that marked the one year anniversary since you married Bucky Barnes.

As you stir from sleep, you feel your husband gently caress your hair. Even though you were awake, you keep your eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, throwing a snore every once in awhile. "I know you're awake, (y/n), you can't fool me, Mishka," he teasingly whispers to you in Russian.
You chuckle a little as you turn to face him, "Good Morning, Shamsi," you say to him in Arabic, followed by a kiss. The kissing continued till Bucky stopped, "Much as I would love to continue, it  just so happens I have the whole day planned out for us," he smiles, "It is our anniversary after all." Without another word, you excitedly got out of bed and head for the shower, Bucky following suit.

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