Chapter 1

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"Alright Odell this your last year don't be a jackass giving these teachers a problem this year. You focus on getting that football scholarship and them grades" Odell Mama said.

"Yeah I hear you Mama. I gotta go pick up Mike" Odell said before leaving.

Odell went picking up all his homeboys, they was already late on the first day. All four of them walking to class together since they had the same homeroom.

"This teacher is gonna have a hard time with us" Troy said.

" hell yeah"  Mike laughed.

They walked in the room laughing, getting a seat in the back Odell looked around seeing a girl leaning against the desk.

"Aye girl sit down before the teacher come" Odell said.

"Well if you must know I am the teacher and the next time you and your little friends walk in my class late all four of you will receive detention" Demi said before turning her attention back to the class.

"Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. My name is ms. Lovato, I'm 24, I have a husband and a son. I just moved here from Texas about 3 weeks ago when I found out I got this job. I'm a nice person just don't get on my bad side and will be good. Now I'm going to go around the room and I want everyone to tell me about themselves" Demi said with a smile.

When it was Odell turn instead of staying seated like everyone else he got up walking in the front of the classroom sitting next to his teacher.

"I'm Odell, half of y'all gooks know me. If you don't you better catch on. I'm quarterback, number 10. I don't take shit from nobody so if you come at me wrong I'm gonna straight cold murk you shit" Odell said but got cut off by Demi.

"Ok Odell, too much profanity. Go sit down" Demi said standing pushing Odell towards his seat.

"DAMN!" Odell shouted scaring half of the class including Demi.

"What?" Demi asked.

"Yo you short as fuck man, and you got on heels" he said laughing along with the other kids.

"Oh hush"Demi said rolling her eyes.

" I know that I'm short and I love my height" Demi said picking up the papers to give to the students.

"Pass those around. These are the rules in my classroom.

1. No phones, If I see one its mines until class is over
2. Don't disrespect me, yourself, or others. I will not tolerate it. Especially bullying.
3. You have 2 times to be late the third time you'll be spending detention with me or mr. Bird
4. You will be purge if you keep interrupting my class while I'm teaching.

Simple rules right" Demi said smiling.

"Well I guess I'll be in detention everyday" Mike said.

"And I see I have a few class clowns, you four will be the only ones with assigned seats. Right in the front next to me" Demi said.


"Y'all got that white fine lady as a teacher? The new teacher that teach government" Jose asked the guys as they sat eating before practice.

"Oh yeah man. She got me, Mike, Odell and Corey sitting in the front but i don't care, give me a better view of that ass" Troy said.

" look there she is" Odell said pointing at their teacher walking towards the parking lot.

"See you later bae" Odell yelled waving his hand.

" Demi just looked at him shaking her head before getting in her car to head home to her son and husband.

Demi drove home but stopping at publix to pick up some groceries. Switching from her heels into her Rihanna puma slides she grabbed a cart before walking into the store. Demi reached for her phone when she heard it ring.

"Yes babe?" Demi answered.

"Aiden keeps crying for you, where are you so I can bring him to you. I have to be somewhere" Wilmer said.

" really Wilmer? You don't know ho to control your own son?" Demi question.

" I'm at publix, the one down the street. I'll be standing outside" Demi said.

Demi sat outside waiting for Wilmer to pull up. She didn't understand why Wilmer agreed to have a kid if he doesn't know how to even care for one. Demi walked over to wilmers Range Rover when he pulled up.

" hi baby" Demi cooed to her son picking him up out of his chair.

" will you be back for dinner?" Demi asked.

" yeah baby, just have a meeting with max" Wilmer said.


Demi closed the door putting Aiden in the carts next to her purse.

"How was your day bud? Demi asked her son even though he couldn't understand her.

"Mommy had a good day at work, just was missing you like crazy" Demi said pushing the cart in the store.

Aiden played Demi's wedding ring, Aiden had Demi fingers all wet from his saliva.

"Gosh you're teething bad" she said digging in his baby bag getting his teething ring.

Demi held the teething ring while Aiden chewed on it .

"Alright baby we're done here so let head home" Demi said to her son.

A/N: new storyyyyyyy

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