Chapter 4

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Demi couldn't believe one of her students had kissed her, she was so angry. Demi drove home only to be met by an angry Wilmer.

"Don't start with me Wilmer"Demi said walking away to go upstairs.

" don't. Walk. Away. From. Me, get your ass back over here" Wilmer said pointing to the spot in front of him.

Demi walked back over to Wilmer standing there waiting for him to talk.

" we had plans tonight- "

"Wilmer it's just sex w-"

"Let me talk!" Wilmer said raising his voice.

"We had plans, I made you dinner but I threw that shit away because it got cold. You didn't call or nothing" Wilmer said.

" Wilmer it's 5:30 we have all night. We left the skating ring at 3:00 and when we got back to the school it was going on 4 and then I was informed I had to hold detention" Demi explained.

" that's not the fucking point Demetria! You didn't call me"

"I'm not a little girl Wilmer, you're making a big deal out for nothing stop acting so damn childish" Demi said rolling her eyes.

" alright Demetria don't ask me for shit, not a damn thing and I mean it. If it's not pertaining my son don't ask" Wilmer said before walking away.

Demi went upstairs into their room getting her things ready for a bath.

" did Aiden have a bath?"  Demi asked.

" no"

Demi walked across the hall to Aiden's room to wake him up so he could have a bath with Demi.

" come on baby boy, time for you to take a bath with mommy" Demi said waking him up.

His little eyes opening and closing for awhile until they stayed open. Aiden cracked a smile up at his mom before she picked him up.

"You letting mommy see that cute smile of yours bud?" Demi said kissing him before she put him down on the changing table.

Demi changed his diaper leaving him naked. She picked him up going over grabbing a diaper and one of his night onesie. Once Demi had everything she needed she went back in the master bedroom. she walked in the bathroom seeing Wilmer in the shower,Demi turned to water on setting it before she added some bubbles.

Demi sat down on the toilet stripping out her clothes. Aiden grabbing at her boobs suckling her skin.

" oh no, I'm trying to wing you off" Demi said moving him.

Not filling the tube all the way up Demi turned off the water before getting in with Aiden.

Aiden tried getting at Demi's nipple again, crying when he couldn't. Seeing Wilmer step out the shower  demi had to bite back her moan when she seen Wilmer's dick just out in the opening.

" Wilmer, can you get him a bottle?" Demi asked.

Wilmer stood there looking at Demi as he wrapped the towel around his waist. Demi turned her attention back to her crying son who was still trying to suckle on her.

" baby no. Look play with the water" demi said slashing the water a bit.

"Ma-ma" he whined.

Wilmer came back in with the bottle giving it to Demi. Demi gave the bottle to Aiden but he just pushed it away.

"Just give him what he wants" Wilmer said going to brush his teeth.

" no, I'm winging him off" Demi said.

She hurried and washed Aiden up before she got out sitting him in his bouncer.

"Can you get him when you're done" Demi said going to get in the shower.

After Wilmer was done brushing his teeth he picked Aiden up along with his bottle. He laughed when Aiden started sucking on his chest.

" you're not gonna get nothing from me little man" Wilmer said.


"Odell make sure you take out the trash before you go to bed" his mama said.

" yeah alright" Odell said as he strolled through his phone texting his friends.

Group text message

Troy: you really kissed her?

Mike: I would've fucked her little ass😂

Odell: she slapped tf outta me man

Corey: think she gonna report you bro?

Troy: naw she gonna bring her dude out there for Odell lol

Odell: aye fuck him, I'll bust that boy

Mike: and you know I'm clappin right after you💯

Odell: but y'all don't say nun to nobody.

Odell threw his phone before putting on his shoes to go take the trash out.

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