Chapter 35

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Aliyah's cries filled the room, Demi sat up with her in bed just rocking her. She fed her and changed her and the little baby was still crying.

"Demi!" Odell shouted looking over her shoulder.

"What!?" She Said.

"She's loud and I'm trying to sleep I have class in the morning" Odell said.

"Well you're not doing anything to help so shut up" demi said getting up walking out the room.

Demi walked around the living room rocking Aliyah trying to get her to fall back asleep. Once demi started singing to her she was out. Demi didn't go back to the room she grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch with her daughter in her arms.

The next morning Jason woke up early sneaking in Demi's room he walked over to Odell's side grabbing his phone. He quickly did what he had to do before he put the phone back. Now Jason had access to Odell's text messages and location. Back at home his friend taught him how to work this app so now he can see every text message Odell send and receive.

"Hey what you doing up do early? Demi asked Jason.

"I was looking for you" he lied.

"Why you sleeping out here with Aliyah?" Jason asked.

"Well she was crying and Odell got annoyed" demi Said adjusting Aliyah in her arms.

" he's been acting like an asshole ever since he came to college" Jason said.

"Yeah college change people and plus the football is getting to his head.

" I can tell"

"Go back to bed, you have school tomorrow" demi Said.


"Aiden sit your little butt down man" Odell said playing his game.

"How about you get off that game and spend time with your kids" demi said cleaning the kitchen.

" what's up with you man!? You been on my dick all week!" Odell said standing up.

"Well you don't do shit in this house and you've been neglecting Aiden and Aliyah. You're basically a deadbeat even if you're still here" demi Said.

"Aye demi watch your fucking mouth alright" odell Said walking in the kitchen.

" I pay bills around here! I don't ask you for shit! And i ain't no fucking deadbeat" Odell snapped.

" fuck you odell!! I don't need you! I can provide for me and my kids" demi said walking pass Odell going to pick Aiden off the couch who was staring at them.

Demi went in the room grabbing a suit case throwing clothes for herself before going to Aiden's room.

"Stay and don't move" she told Aiden.

Demi threw Aiden's clothes in the suit case as well, she was so furious right now she was just throwing shit in the suit case. Demi moved to Jason room packing his bag and game system. Taking the bags to the front door.

"Stupid" demi mumbled walking pass Odell on his game.

"Mommy" Aiden said when he seen his mom walk back in the room.

"Baby" He said pointing at his sister who was now up.

"Hey baby boy, you being a good brother watching your sister" demi said smiling.

"Ya" Aiden said.

"Hey princess" demi said picking Aliyah up putting her in her car seat.

Come on baby, let's get your shoes" demi said to Aiden getting his shoes.

"So you leaving?" Odell asked when demi walked out.

"Yep to get away from you so don't call me because I won't pick up" demi Said.

"If I'm calling about my kids you better answer or imma get on ya ass" he said.



"We're going to be staying with Grandma until we get a new place ok?" Demi said to Jason.

"Um ok then. Did you bring my game?" He asked.

"Yeah I did" demi chuckled.

"How was school?" She asked.

"Pretty good. Saw some cute females too" Jason said smiling.

"Oh god" demi laughed.

"Jason you're only in the 6th grade" demi said.

"I'll be in the 8th when you send them my papers" Jason said.

"Oh that's right, thanks for reminding me" demi Said.


"So she's been acting like that ever since the miscarriage?" Nicki asked.

" yeah, like I'm doing the best I can to be there for her and her son" Odell said with his head on nicki's lap.

"Did you tell her about you getting drafted?" She asked.

" no not yet but I want you to come to my signing" he said looking up at nicki.

"Well if that's what you want I'll be there" she said pecking his lips.

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