Chapter 10

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" it's time for you to go home now Odell" demi said as she picked up Aiden's toys.

"Wah? Why? Aiden doesn't want me to go, right buddy" he said to the lilttle boy.

"It's not up to him. You've been here for 3 days Odell, go home I'm pretty sure your mom is worried about you" demi Said picking Aiden up only to have him reach for Odell.

"You should let me take him sometimes" Odell said grabbing Aiden out Demi's arms.

"Oh no" she said.

"You can come too, got a big bed for all 3 of us"

" Im not about to play house with my student" demi chuckled.

" well I'm not your student anymore and I don't play little childish games. I'm a grown man Demi"

"Odell go home,I'll text you"

"Right" He said passing the baby to demi.

He went upstairs to see his stuff already packed, he shook his head before grabbing his stuff and leaving.


"Aiden pleaseeeeeee" demi Said as she tried to keep her son quiet.

" look we're gonna call daddy" demi said grabbing her phone to call Wilmer on FaceTime.

"Wil, he misses you and I can't get him to stop so I thought by him seeing you he'll stop"

" really demi, can't control your own kid. I'm sitting here and he's still crying, I can't sit here and do this Demetria I have a meeting" Wilmer said.

"You haven't said a word to him!! What the hell is wrong with you? So you don't have time for your own son now"

" you done?" He simply said.

" fuck you wilmer" demi said before hanging up.

" seriously she can't get her own child to stop crying. But you married that" Alissa said.

"Hush and let's go" Wilmer said holding the door open for her.


"Let's got box yo room nigga" Odell said.

"Aye you got me fucked up, you know my ole girl gonna start tripping" Troy said.

" well let's hit this shit in the car"

Odell pulled out the weed grabbing the wrap from Troy before he started rolling.

"You like your new school? Got any fine bitches out there?" Troy asked.

" it's cool dude I start practice Monday and it's some nice looking chicks out there" Odell said sparking the joint.

" you know coach was the one that posted them pictures. He told us last night after practice he was like all charges was dropped against him"

" that bull shit, if I wasn't there that night the fuck boy would've raped ms. Lovato. That ain't right, but I know he's gonna try to bring the heat towards me when he finds out who I play for" Odell said.


" da-da-da" Aiden said as he splashed in the water.

Demi rolled her eyes for like the 100th time today, he's been saying Dada all day. Her son was calling one of her former students daddy when he don't even call his actual dad Dada.

"Aiden don't drink the water" demi Said pulling him up.

Aiden turned around facing his Mama grabbing at her boob. He sucked on her chest indicating that he wanted milk.

"Mommy titties is already small and you're gonna make them smaller" demi said letting him have a suckle.

Demi seen the little boy eyes slowly closing she quickly took him a bath before she wrapped him up in a big blanket putting him in the bouncer. The baby crying as soon as she put him down.

" wait baby, let Mama take a shower " demi said as she quickly jumped back in the tub pulling the plug and turning the shower on.

Once she was done she wrapped the towel around herself before she picked Aiden up.

"Don't cry baby" demi said kissing all over his face.

She had got them both dressed before she got in bed with Aiden laying on her chest, rocking him to sleep he was out like an light.

Text message

Demi: babe?

Wilmer: What's up ?

Demi: I miss you so much and haven't called or text to check up on me or Aiden. If I made you mad then I'm sorry.

Wilmer: I just been really busy Demi that's all,I might have to push the date of when I return back.

Demi: wilmer, nooooooooooooo. Seriously babe please come home this week.

*left on read*

Demi wiped her eyes before the tears could even fall. She didn't understand why Wilmer was being so cold to her lately. Was planning on divorcing her or something???

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