Chapter 15

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2 week time skip

"Give him back!!" Demi yelled as she followed Wilmer outside.

"You can't take me baby!!! You have no papers to do so" demi cried.

"I have so much power I don't need papers" Wilmer said.

Demi ran over to Wilmer trying to get Aiden back but Wilmer was way bigger so pushing demi away wasn't a problem.

"He doesn't want to go!"

Wilmer ignored demi walking towards his car putting Aiden in the back seat. He had got a few of his friends to help him get Aiden back and demi couldn't do nothing about it.

" begging you not to take him from me" demi cried.

"Not my problem" He said before getting in his car. 

Demi heart broke even more when the car pulled off. She went in her house throwing a few things and screaming. Everything was going great, she had got herself a new house, moved Aiden to a different daycare. Things with her and Odell was going great. She didn't know how Wilmer got the address to her new play. She wanted this to be a dream, she lost her only child and don't even know when she'll see him again.


" she's so spoiled Wilmer that's why he's crying a lot" Alissa said.

" it's like Leah is the only person who can shut him up but she's at school" Wilmer said as he tried rocking Aiden.

Alissa went to make him a bottle crushing up two sleeping pills before putting it in his bottle, she was really getting tired of the baby.

" here I made him a bottle, go sit by the window and let him drink that"

" Alright, Thank you baby" Wilmer said taking the bottle.

While feeding him Wilmer looked down at Aiden shaking his head about how much he looked like Demi. Aiden began drinking his bottle and 5 mins into his bottle the little boy eyes was getting heavy.

"Wow that was quick" Wilmer said.

"That's all he needed" Alissa said.

Wilmer got up to take him to his crib to lay him down.


Alissa was surprise when Aiden slept pass 5pm. She went up to the bedroom to check up on him, she shook him but he didn't wake up.  Lifting him up his head just hung.

" shit" she mumbled.

"Wilmer!" She yelled.

"Yeah?" He said as he came upstairs.

" he isn't waking up" she said.

"What do you mean" Wilmer said tapping Aiden.

" he's breathing though" Wilmer said.

Wilmer grabbed his son carrying him downstairs. Alissa right behind him with Leah in her arms. Wilmer rushed his son to the hospital telling the people he want the best doctors and nurses working on him.

" Daddy is Aiden dead?" Leah asked.

" no baby he isn't dead.

Wilmer waited for an hour for the results.

"Alright mr.Valderrama your son is in a coma right now. We found a high dosage in his system and that's the cost why he's in the coma, we can't tell how long he'll be in it though" the doctor said.

"Isn't there something to wake him up?" Wilmer asked.

"I'm sorry sir"


"Just give me the say so and me and my boys would go get him" Odell said as he sat rubbing Demi's back.

The football team had went to states for a week and he was just coming back, he headed straight to Demi's house. Demi told him everything, he couldn't do nothing else at the moment but hold her as she cried.

" I don't want you getting in trouble" she mumbled.

"I'm not baby girl, trust me. Just tell me if you want me to go get him because I will"

" go get my baby back" demi said looking at Odell.

" just send me his address and we'll go by there tonight"

Odell waited till demi was sleep before he got up slowly walking outside where his boys was.

" who we capping tonight?" Richie said.

" nobody, we just going over the to get my girl son back" Odell said said grabbing the black ski mask.

" shit if I see something I like I'm taking that shit"  cj Said.

"I don't give a fuck as long as I get this baby" Odell said jumping in the black van.

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