Chapter 34

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" do you need anything else Mama?" Jason asked.

"No I'm fine, I'm just going to nap while she's nap" demi Said talking about her daughter who was asleep on the side of her.

"And what about Aiden? When he comes?"

"umm I'll probably be up before he gets here, if not could you please watch him and I'll get him when I wake up?" Demi asked.

"Yeah sure" Jason said before leaving out the room closing the door.

Demi turned over facing her daughter, watching her sleep for a moment. She looked so much like her dad with those thick brown curls on her head. Demi couldn't believe Odell missed he birth of his own child and it's been a day later and he still wasn't home. She didn't get no text message or calls from him. Demi wiped the tear that escaped her eye before she closed her eyes to get some sleep.


Odell was balls deep inside of nicki smashing her shit. Pressing his thumbs in her back he watched as her ass clapped at every stroke he gave.

"Oh god.... Odell" nicki moaned out.

"Call me daddy girl" Odell said thrusting inside her.

"Ok daddy"

"You like that shit huh? Want me to go deeper?" Odell questioned.

"Yessss please daddy" she moaned.

Odell started pounding her pussy, all that filled the room was the sound of their skin clapping and nicki's moans.

Odell been with nicki since yesterday, his phone was somewhere in her room but he didn't feel like looking for it anyways. After they round of sex nicki went downstairs to fix Odell and herself something to eat.


Jason had Aiden in the living watching cartoons with him as they ate chips. It was the only way to keep him quiet without waking demi and Aliyah up.

" baby" Aiden said pointing to the tv.

" yeah that's a baby like you" Jason said.

" me" Aiden said clapping his hands.

Jason couldn't believe Odell really went to a party instead of being here with her girlfriend taking care of his baby. Jason watched all his snaps, even looking at his location he took a screenshot of it just in case.

"Mommy!" Aiden shouted when he seen his mom walk out the room.

"Hey baby boy" demi smiled moving to sit on the couch with Aliyah in her arms.

Aiden moved over to his mom staring down at his little sister.

"Baby?" He said.

"Yes bud she's a baby and so are you" demi Said bopping his nose with her finger.

"Come on get up here" she said helping Aiden up on the couch.

Aiden cuddled right into her side as he sat there watching his cartoons. Demi looked down to see Aliyah looking at the tv.

"You like those pretty colors baby? That's the tv" demi said talking to her daughter.

"Did you feed her?" Jason asked.

"Yeah I did in the room. Was he good for you?" She asked.

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