Chapter 33

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"Hey Mama, I have a question" Jason said.

" yeah what's up?"

" can I play football? I know we're new around here but can you find somewhere I can play football at?" He said.

"Well I can ask Odell when he comes over" demi said straightening up the living room.

" this is better than the old house right?"

"Yeah it's bigger and the back yard is big too" Jason said.

"I know when Aiden wakes up he's going to be running all around this place.


"I mean I can hit from the back or you can ride" Odell said as he rubbed Demi's stomach.

"We can do both baby" demi said biting her bottom lip.

"Yes and that ass got fat. Imma tear that shit up tonight" Odell said kissing Demi.

"Ewww, you have a nasty taste in your mouth" demi said as she pulled back.

" oh sorry, let me go wash my mouth out"

Odell went in the bathroom shutting the door behind him. He turned the water on before he pulled out the little coke bag. Making two lines on the counter he inhaled both lines. He took the mouthwash rinsing his mouth out before he went back to bed with Demi.

Walking back into the room demi was already naked on the bed.

"Damn girl, you looking like a snack right now" Odell said taking his shirt off.

"Well how about you get over here and have a piece of this snack" demi Said.


Jason sat in his room thinking of a good spot to hide his gun and drugs. He also had to figure out how he was going to sell the drugs he had left.

"Aye yo we bout to leave" Odell said walking in Jason's room.

"What the fuck!" Jason said throwing the blanket over everything.

" don't you knock!!!" Jason snapped.

"Aye watch yo mouth lil nigga, this my house that I paid for" Odell said.

"So what, I didn't ask to be here now get out"

Demi rolled her eyes when she heard Odell and Jason fussing. Demi picked Aiden up before walking to Jason's room.

"Really you guys? Don't start please" demi said looking at the both of them.

" he's a kid why is his door close anyways?"

" for privacy Odell, everyone want their privacy" demi said.


"You sure you're fine? Because my homeboy having this party and it's almost time for me to go" Odell said.

" Odell just go to the stupid party, I can take care of myself" demi said as she adjusted herself on the bed.

" Alright. I guess I'll see you later"

Odell left with no hesitation, he already had plans to get drunk and high so he wasn't going back home. Getting to the party he was handed a joint and a bottle of vodka.

" so glad you made it, thought you was going to bale on me" nicki said.

" anything for you baby girl" Odell said.


"Fuck" demi mumbled to herself.

" you ok Mama?" Jason asked poking his head in the room.

" um yeah, just having really bad back pains" she said.

" what if you try sitting in warm water? Jason suggested.

" that's going to send me in labor a week before my due date" demi Said.

" well maybe you should go to the hospital.......just to be safe. I can call Grandma?"

" yeah you can do that" demi said switching positions.

It didn't take long for Demi's mom to get over to the house with Aiden.

"How's my baby girl?" Dianna asked kissing Demi's forehead.

" I'm in pain Mama" demi said rubbing her stomach.

" well if you're ready I can take you to the hospital, I'll be in the living room sweetie"

"Yeah let me just pee first" demi said.

Jason helped demi get up to used the bathroom but demi stop walking when she felt the wetness flowing down her legs.

"Oh shit" Jason said.

" Grandma! Mama's water broke!" He shouted.

" Jason got get the baby bag and car seat out the closet" demi said grabbing a simple dress.

" ok sweetie don't worry about that right now we got to get you to the hospital" Dianna said.

Demi took her time walking but stop every time a contraction hit her. Jason made sure the he had the baby bag and car seat while Dianna carried Aiden out to the car. During the car ride demi called Odell but his phone went straight to voicemail. About the 6th time calling demi threw her phone on the floor out of frustration. Letting the tears roll down her face as she clutched her stomach.

" almost there sweetie" she said.


"I can't believe he's not here" demi said looking down at her daughter.

"It's alright demi, don't let it stress you. The doctor said your blood pressure was a bit high"

" it's hard not to. He's suppose to been in here with me to see his daughter be born but instead she's at some stupid fucking party" demi said.

" what's her name?" Jason asked to change the subject.

" I was thinking about AliyahNicole Beckham" demi Said.

"And Leah or Ali for a nickname" Jason said smiling.

"Baby" Aiden said pointing at his sister.

"Yes bud, this is your sister" demi said holding her other arm out for Aiden.

Demi's mom day Aiden down on the bed with Demi. The little boy looked from his mom to his sister before bending over kissing her.

"Awe that's so sweet. She has the best big brothers ever" demi said.


A/N: I honestly didn't know what to write about.

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