Chapter 7

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"Alright odell when they kick your ass off that football team don't say shit" his mother said.

"And I always can go play for another team, so many people want me on their team and you know that ma" Odell said.

"You might be good but don't let that shit get to yo head. And what is wrong with you? You look sick"

"I'm fine Mama, imma just go lay down"

Odell went up to his rooms, laying down on his bed he text mike to ask who sent him the pictures then Corey but it stopped there because he didn't know the person Corey got the pictures from. He decided to go to sleep when his head started hurting.


"Aiden get over here and leave that chair alone before it falls on you" demi said to her son for the 3rd time.

"Aiden get over here and leave that chair alone before it falls on you" demi said to her son for the 3rd time

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Aiden smiled at his mom before turning his attention back to the chair. Demi got up going over to pick him up, sitting him on the couch with her and Wilmer. He tried pulling himself up using his dad but felled back down.

"Come on bud siéntate" Wilmer said tapping his bottom.

" he need to go to sleep, it's almost 8" demi said looking at Aiden move.

"Take him for a drive" Wilmer said.

" why can't you do it?" She asked.

" I have a phone conference at 8:30" he said.


Demi got Aiden putting socks on his feet and grabbing his blanket before she headed to the door getting her shoes and keys. Demi strapped Aiden in his seat before she got in.

"Time to go night, night baby" she said starting the car.

"Ba-ba-ba" Aiden said smiling.

Demi put on some soft music before she pulled out the drive way. Demi felt her phone ring, she grabbed her phone seeing a Facebook message on her phone.

Odell: can you meet me at (insert address)?

Demi: why?

Odell: it's about your pictures


Demi pulled off again heading to the park, her son in the back playing with his foot just talking.? Demi pulled up in the parking lot seeing Odell standing by a pole. She pulled up right in front of him.

" get in because I'm not getting out" she said.

"Hey" Odell said getting inside the car.

"Alright so I talked to the person that sent me the pictures and they gave me the name of the person who sent it to them but it stop at some dude name jerry Thomas, i don't know who that is"

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