Chapter 30

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"You sure you're not pregnant?" Odell asked as he stood at the bathroom door.

"I'm not pregnant Odell, I just ate something bad the other night" demi said as she sat on the bathroom floor.

"I don't know na, I been going in raw lately" Odell said.

"Odell really" demi said looking at him.

"I'm sorry I just can't do that condom shit, you feel so much better without one" he said.

" I swear you get on my nerves. Go pick up Jason and Aiden" demi said resting her head on the edge of the tub.

Demi: come over ASAP!

Mark: jumping in the car right now bitch

It didn't take mark long to get there to Demi's since he lived a few blocks away. Unlocking the door with his key.

"Sus I'm here" mark yelled through the house.

"in the bathroom" she said.

"Ouuuu bitch you look like you're about to die. What's the matter baby?" Mark said.

"I'm sick. Been throwing up all day" demi said.

"You pregnant! Omg bitchhhhhh. I'm about to cry" he said.

"Shut up. But I don't know, I probably have food poisoning or I could be pregnant" demi Said.

" ok maybe you should take a nice warm bath. Come on I'll run your bath and you get undressed" mark said helping demi off the floor.

While mark ran demi a bath she took off her clothes sitting on the toilet naked she watched as mark dropped a bath bomb in the water and lit some candles and dimmed the lights.

" you're so over dramatic" demi said chuckling before she got in the tub.


Odell rolled his eyes as Aiden kept crying in the back seat.

" here Aiden" Jason said as he tried to give the little boy his phone but he just threw It on the floor.

Odell stopped at the red light turning to Jason.

" pass me him and hurry" he said.

Jason took aiden out his car seat giving him to Odell. Odell put him up in the front with him, locking him in the passenger seat.

"Now sit yo little ass there and be quiet" Odell said.

Aiden looked up at Odell sniffing before his buttons on his shirt caught his attention.

" demi would totally kill u if she fines out you had him in the front" Jason said.

" yeah but she isn't going to find out either" Odell said.

" yeahhhh..... I don't know about that. I'm going to need something to shut me up" Jason said with a smirk.

" how about if I knock you in your shit" Odell said.

" yeah and then demi is gonna ask what happened"

" how much?" Odell asked.

" $50 simple" Jason said.

" oh and them new retro 11 that just dropped"

" I swear. Alright man"

Odell pulled up at the house Grabbing Aiden and his bag. Once they got in the house Odell put Aiden down and he went running to Demi's room. Aiden squealed when he seen his mama in the bed.

"Ma!" Aiden said.

"Hi baby" demi said lifting him up on the bed.

"My favorite baby in the world" mark said kissing Aiden's head.

" oh no mark get yo ass off the side of my bed" Odell said coming in the room.

"Come sit behind me baby" demi Said.

Odell looked at demi before he walked up going to the living room.

Hey Mama" Jason said walking in.

Jason started calling demi his mom when he came back from his class trip. It so natural to call her that even though demi wasn't old enough to be his mom.

" hey sweetie how was school?" She asked.

" pretty good, feeling any better?" He asked.

" not really, I'm going to go to the hospital though and you and Aiden will be staying with mark and James Alright?"

"Can I bring my game?" He asked looking at both of them.

"Oh yeah that's fine" mark said.

" you better be off by 10:45 demi Said.

" I will"

Jason ran to his room to pack his bag. Meanwhile Aiden stayed under demi cuddled up with her.

"Aiden you wanna go bye bye with mark?" Demi asked.

"Bye bye" Aiden said smiling.

"Yeah baby you and jay go bye with mark" demi said.

Aiden reached over to mark and while he held Aiden demi went to pack a bag for him before she went out to the living room.

" baby, could you take me to the hospital? Jason and Aiden is going with mark" demi said.

"Yeah" He said so bluntly.


Odell laid in the bed with Demi since she was cold and couldn't get a blanket because of the fever she had. Demi had her head rested on Odell's shoulder as she slept. When the nurse came back in the room Odell woke demi up.

"Nooo" demi mumbled.

"Come on She has to tell us the results" he said.

Demi still didn't open her eyes she just laid there.

" just go ahead because she's stubborn" Odell said.

"Alright so she isn't pregnant but she does have food poisoning which is the cause of the throwing up, diarrhea, and fever" the nurse said.

"See babe I told you" demi mumbled.

"Will she be able to leave tonight?" He asked.

" yes sir"


Odell looked at the letter he got in the mail. The college giving him a one week notice and he still haven't told demi yet and he didn't know how to.

"What's that?" Demi asked when she came out to the living room.

"Huh? Oh umm a notice" he said.

"A notice for what babe?" Demi asked sitting next to him.

"Ok coach had a talk with me, this college want me to play for them and this is a one week notice" Odell said.

"Wha- why didn't you tell me earlier?"

" because I was afraid. I want you to stay and finish your 2 years in TOA and plus your mom is down here. I'll come visit, I'll call everyday" Odell said.

"What if things change between us?" Demi said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I won't let It, I promise baby" he said pecking her lips a few times.


A/N: ok I'm doing a time skip after this chapter 😬

And go check out my new story "guns and roses"

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